The great thing about my life is that every day is different than the last.

It’s also a challenge because healthy rituals are lost to travel schedules and client meetings. I have core activities in my life — food, coffee, cats, chores, writing, exercise — but that’s not enough to anchor my day.

(Especially if I get on Instagram, ugh.)

So I started asking around. What are the three things you do every day that make a difference?

I heard a lot of good ideas. Here are a few.

Exercise: One of my friends does 100 sit-ups and pushups each day, which is impressive. I can do 50 if I space them out. (Well, I can do 37 push-ups and then I’m a little shaky.) So getting to 50 — sit-ups and push-ups — without a problem is a goal for me. And I want to throw in some squats, but I haven’t crossed that bridge.

Mindfulness: Another does something called loving-kindness meditation, which is very trendy but I’ve never heard of it before a recent trip out to Boston. Apparently, you do a little breathing. Then you send some intentions out into the world. There’s a process. I can’t remember it all, but I know that you say something positive about your enemies or troubled people in your life. That sounds like a lot of work, but I’ve started using Headspace app to calm my brain. I like it.

Knowledge: I have a friend who sets a daily reading goal. She reads a minimum of twenty-five pages each day, which is easy on some days and harder on others. I adopted this habit and plowed through a book called Power Cues. I’ve missed a few days because I’m watching election coverage, which is such a waste of time. Can’t wait for this cycle to end.

So those are a few things I’m working on to create a better daily routine. Are there three things you do each day that make a big difference in your life?

I’d love to know.

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