work from home

There’s snow here in Raleigh. A lot of it. Crazy.

Not saying it’s been a tough week for people who work at an office. But 9-to-5 jamokes are forced to work from home. They are out of their routines. Spending a lot of time with partners and cats. Did you hear what I said? Can you make me lunch since you are home? Are you working right now or surfing the web?

Yes, I’m talking about my house.

Likewise, the weather is disruptive for people who work from home. Creativity is weird. Relies on routines and superstition. Just saying. Who turned the heat up? Who keeps turning off lights when I leave the room? Why are there dishes in the sink?

Good news is that snow-induced work-from-home scenarios allow for walks in the woods, breakfast for dinner, and naps. Also, more excellent news — Raleigh will be 60 degrees over the weekend.

Light at the end of the tunnel. See you Monday.