There’s a debate among #BusinessFamous influencers that might apply to you. What’s the role of AI in content creation? Is using ChatGPT to write a blog post for you unethical? When using artificial intelligence to construct, refine, or edit a blog post or social media copy, are you required to disclose? And is it wrong to take credit for words that didn’t emerge in your head but appear under your brand?

Let’s discuss this.

The Changing Role of AI in Content Creation

The internet has many tools and tricks to generate authentic-seeming audio, video, and text from AI-trained code. Unfortunately, it’s becoming harder to discern what’s “real” or “fake,” prompting existential questions about authenticity, effort, and ownership.

Examples include:

• An AI-generated photograph winning a top photography prize.
• ALS patients banking their voices for future use.
• Media outlets using generative AI to create articles on various topics.

AI’s role in content creation is evolving rapidly, causing confusion and concern. Consumer advocates, artists, and even tech executives feel we must establish ground rules to avoid potentially uncontrollable, weaponized tools that could be far worse than Facebook and Twitter.

ChatGPT and Social Posts: Balancing Ethics

Many thought leaders and #BusinessFamous influencers grapple with using ChatGPT and other text-driven AI tools ethically. Some argue that having the original idea and letting AI fill in the blanks is enough. Unsurprisingly, others insist that AI-assisted writing must be disclosed to maintain ethical standards. Some even proudly claim that their writing is entirely AI-free.

Writing is thinking, but good writing is edited. Whether you use a human editor or a machine-assisted tool, the best content is revised and rewritten until it’s clear. The choice is yours.

Older tools like Microsoft’s spell-check and Grammarly are computer-driven tools that improve writing. Should someone retroactively disclose that they misspelled something and “Clippy,” the Microsoft Office Assistant, corrected it in 2004?

My website has the following disclaimer acknowledging AI assistance in my blog posts, but the original ideas are mine:

“Additionally, some content on this website may be generated using artificial intelligence (AI) as a tool to supplement, enhance, and make suggestions. While AI may assist in the creative and editing process, the thoughts, ideas, opinions, and the finished product are entirely human and original to their author. We strive to ensure accuracy and relevance, but please be aware that AI-generated content may not always fully represent the intent or expertise of human-authored material.”

So, I advise other writers and content creators to adopt similar language and emphasize that their website is only for informational and entertainment purposes. It feels ridiculous, but proactively defending yourself against trolls and weisenheimers is never a bad idea.

Proper Attribution: Avoiding Plagiarism

Lastly, people want to know if taking credit for words that didn’t emerge in their head but appear under their brand is wrong. I believe that there’s no new art. However, if you borrow someone’s original idea, you must cite it. Other guidelines for citing and attributing content and thoughts should also be followed. Failing to do so is plagiarism. Consult the internet or your high school English department for more information.

Conclusion and Call to Action

AI in content creation raises ethical questions that must be addressed. It’s essential to balance leveraging AI’s potential and maintaining ethical standards. Content creators should disclose AI usage, give proper attribution, and avoid plagiarism.

What are your thoughts on using AI in content creation? Are you using tools to improve and aid your workflow, writing, or artistic endeavors? Leave a comment and let me know where you stand on this debate.

The more we talk about it, the more we can preemptively solve problems. Or we can simply wait until AI is smart enough to tell us what to do.