laurie ruettimann on stage speakingAbout the Talk:

Zoom meetings. Skype calls. Slack activism. Virtual happy hours. Employees of all generations want integrity and better communication at work, not another boring lecture on improving digital body language. In this fresh and authentic program, we’ll cover how workers and leaders have the responsibility and opportunity to use digital tools to address and confront divisive issues related to culture, politics, race, gender, and even #MeToo. Workplace expert Laurie Ruettimann has been at the forefront of workplace issues for over two decades, and now she takes on the dirty secret of job dissatisfaction and interpersonal conflict, holds it up to the light of day, and provides practical, honest advice for addressing issues in the current world of work as they spill online. Join Laurie as she covers the buzzwords, the nerdy, and all things digital in this post-COVID environment.


Employees, leaders, executives, managers, careerists


Workplace Application: 

In this fresh and authentic program, Ruettimann gives leaders the responsibility and opportunity to use digital tools to address and confront divisive issues related to culture, politics, race, gender, and even #MeToo. 


Learning Objectives: 

Leaders will learn about new and emerging technologies to fix the world of work. They’ll discover new strategies and trends to address and mediate contentious debates online. And we’ll talk about what it takes to address workplace dissatisfaction on these new media platforms.  


