Do you wonder how you can think differently and act differently? Do you wonder how HR can be more disruptive and innovative without using those hollow and ridiculous terms?

(I wonder about all of that, too.)

I’m late to the game, but I was introduced to the work of Hal Gregersen. (Do you know him?) He suggests that you can be disruptive and innovative by first stepping outside of your comfort zone and working in multiple industries or enterprises. That’s a good way to begin thinking creatively and expanding your horizons.

You don’t need to leave HR, in my opinion, to think differently and make a difference. Here are some ideas for you.

  1. Tackle a project with your colleagues in marketing.
  2. Think about applying your HR expertise to different verticals.
  3. Learn more about a specialized aspect of HR. Take a night class. Do a short-course online or on the weekends.

Working in different industries — or even in different countries — may help you adopt the right kind of thinking that will help you make a contribution to your company.

You know what else I like about Gregersen? He champions the benefit of asking questions. If we don’t know what we don’t know, and we don’t start thinking about our blind spots, we will never make progress at work (or in our lives).

One simple question you can ask?

“What am I dead wrong about?”

(See why I’m excited to read more of his work?)

Anyway, when you have a different perspective — and you ask better questions — you arrive at better answers. I travel all around the world and speak to HR audiences because I am ready for HR to have better answers.

It’s nice to find a professor who offers helpful tools, tips and techniques. Check him out.


  1. The title of this post intrigued me, and it’s a fascinating question to think about (I’m already thinking of stealing the question for my own upcoming blog post… if that’s all right with you).

    A question that I’m curious about for you, Laurie, is: what ARE you dead wrong about?

    Thanks for the post and the video links!

  2. Great post. The question I ask myself and my staff frequently is: “What am I missing?” It gives them permission to save me from some bone-headed move I’m about to make. And it reminds me I clearly don’t have all the answers.

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