don't trust people who don't love animals

Laurie Ruettimann is a workforce expert and podcaster. Please check out the homepage for her most recent podcasts, LinkedIn courses, and newsletters.


There is a universal force that unites all successful and happy business professionals: a love of animals. Some people like dogs, others like cats, but everybody likes animals except for a few cranky people in the office.

I can go through my career and identify a half-dozen miserable people. They had delusions of grandeur and anxiety. None of them had animals. Not one.

I worked with a woman who was all about her family. I knew she was all about her family because all she did was tell me, hey, my family comes first. You know the type. But she was also one of those super-moms who told everybody that she worked by “choice” because she felt especially fulfilled by her job in human resources.

She used that language IN HUMAN RESOURCES. Whatever, I still can’t wrap my head around that.

So, while she loved being a mom and VP of HR, she was a miserable human being who never missed an opportunity to stab a colleague in the back. Or in the face. Or the arm.

One day, this woman happened to overhear a conversation that I was having about my cat, Lucy. Now let me tell you about Miss Lucy. She was the spruce goose of all cats. She was the apple of my eye, the cream of my wheat and the honey bunches of my oats.

My conversation about Lucy allowed this HR lady to knock me down. I happened to have a few pictures of Lucy in my office, and she jumped into my conversation and lectured me on how childish and immature I looked with photos of my cats all over my office.

And my first instinct was like — who asked you?

But I was so shocked that I said, “I’m sorry?”

So she repeated it. All of it. Guess what? I still looked like a moron in version two with all my cat photos.

I was just like — how is this my life? Working in HR with this witch? How much harder do I work to pay off these student loans? Should I let this woman kick me in the face, too?

And it should be no shock that the mean HR lady had no animals in her house. Not a guinea pig. Not a betta fish. Not a goddamn dust bunny. No animals. None.

So all of this is to say that people who love animals are great and happy. Everybody else will bring you down. Especially if they are HR ladies without cats or dogs.

But I Don’t Like Pets

Not wanting to have the responsibility of having a pet isn’t the same as hating animals, and sometimes it has everything to do with someone’s past experience and even trauma. We will get into the latter a bit later.

People prioritize things differently. It is what makes us all unique. People exist in this world who find no joy in caring for an animal that will never hold a conversation with them. Why pressure someone who thinks all pets are dirty, annoying, and too much work to get one? No one wants to put some puppy into that sort of toxic relationship.

So, when you’re dealing with someone who cringes at social media cat photos or rolls their eyes at a funny office story about how your newest puppy sleeps upside down, they aren’t cold-hearted or weird — OK, maybe a little weird. But that’s not the point. Think about giving them a pass. Animal-keeping is not for them.

Understanding the Psychology of People Who Don’t Like Animals

OK, circling back to the past life experiences that turn some people into pet-haters. You aren’t going to know everything about a co-worker, nor should you. I don’t want people to know my business.

If a dog bit someone as a kid, it makes sense that they are anti-dog. The cat haters make less sense, but I guess scratches can hurt. Injuries are trauma, and seeing a pet in the wild will startle some people.

Misinformation is a huge problem, even in the animalsphere. Pets carry diseases: Mostly false. Pets give you worms: With rare exception, untrue. Exposure to pets causes allergies: This could be true, but mostly false since allergies are caused by your body’s antihistamine response, not the animal itself. But if we’ve learned anything from COVID, correcting misinformation to someone’s face will only make them double down and make you angry.

It isn’t your place to convince someone to like pets, much less your pet. It can bring up some not-great things. So, don’t bring it up.

How Pets Improve Our Lives

If you are on the fence about pets, let me try to convince you by telling you how pets improve our lives. Those of you who hate them will probably always hate them. And for those who think Miss Lucy was the greatest cat ever, you’re right.

Some people are more likely to go for walks when they have a dog companion to walk with them. It makes sense. Having pets makes you healthier overall.

They reduce stress, which lowers blood pressure. And, if you work in HR, you need all the help you can get. Pets make us less lonely. Pets make us happy and tolerable for humans because they are the best companions you can have.

I realize that pets aren’t for everyone. I just don’t get it, though.


  1. While I agree with you 100% I have one thing to say. Not everyone that loves animals is a nice person. Look at Hitler, and I could name many more. But I guess I should be grateful that they are nice to their own animals and if they are nasty to people, well, I guess I’ll just have to deal.

      • It’s an interesting theory. I wasn’t thinking of Hitler being a Nazi but just a bad person who liked animals. I actually was also thinking of Leona Helmsley and I have no idea if she was a Nazi or not.

          • Well, who knows what was her experiences with people and her own family… I guess that’s a perfect time and last chance to seek revenge or reward the living who made her happiest.
            She did leave millions to her brother, Alvin Rosenthal. He was supposed to be responsible for her dog but he died. Besides, why relatives should assume that one person’s wealth will be passed on to them????

      • Animals are lovely beings but the hair and fur is not something I can tolerate.
        I could never live in a house with hair and fur all over everything. I don’t enjoy going to homes where it is on furniture, clothing etc….and cats climb all over everything (kitchen counters tables etc)… even the ones owners who claim”they never climb on things./
        I guess you don’t mind if you love your pet-makes sense.
        Even if people think their homes are “clean”, in my opinion it just simply isn’t so with pet hair.

        • I agree with you 100%
          No pets for me. Do not dislike them or would ever be cruel to them if I owed one but I’ve lived a wonderful like of 60+ years without one and I don’t feel I’ve missed out on that “experience”
          The hair, the smell, the germs exposure. I can live without that.

          • I feel pretty much the same about being around humans. The hair, the smell, the germ exposure. Well not so much the hair, but you get my point.
            Animals are honest, They don’t have the capacity to lie. A very rare trait in modern humans.
            I’m sitting here working from home, with my little fur bundle curled up on my lap.
            What could be better.

      • You see, you’re ignorant for this article. Animals, are not to my liking because they cost time and money. Unnecessarily, might I add. I am happy and content with myself. And dont carry a need for dirty paws and hair everywhere. Without animals, I have been able to spend more time on my professional business. I’ve had more money to save. I’ve removed all the extra cleaning involved.. I’ve seriously not read something so stupidly wrong and opinionated.

        • Someone should check your basment. Also do you buy lots of lotion. Never trust Someone that hates animals.

          • Animals are in nature. Pets are man-made mutants which required other animals to be intensively farmed and killed for their food.

        • Funny thing is I use to think like that too for a long time. Pets are dirty with the hair all over the floor. My parents were allergic so never had pets. I’ve never been good with animals all my life but in my 30s I broke away and day I decided to get a pet because I was living a lone and would like the companionship. Has changed my whole view. The companionship pets can bring is pretty unique.

    • True…very true . I personally love animals but believe it or not , don’t like to be smothered by animals or humans. Love my freedom don’t have to worry about coming home and have to deal with taking care of someone needing me.l deed it all since l was 10 years old. Had dogs, pigs , chickens, birds, fish, cats,and had to take care of my sister with cancer and mom with pulmonary problems. I’m done!!! Lol

  2. In the words of Bill Murray” I’m suspicious of people who don’t like dogs, but I trust a dog when it doesn’t like a person”.

      • Who the hell do you think you are to judge people who don’t like animals? You animal lovers think you’re so holier-than-thou but tend be the biggest anti-humanists, preferring the easy, one-sided company of your enslaved, disgusting little creatures over normal human interactions. I love the diversity of the human race, two-way, reciprocal communication between my fellow humans, and walking in others shoes. I, however, don’t believe in imprisoning any living creature for the benefit of my own emotional well-being. And I’m a bad person who can’t be trusted?!

          • Thank you. I’m glad I’m not the only one who found the article judgmental. I love animals, but I don’t love dogs. Somehow that makes me a monster. No, rather I’ve spent my life in a world where everyone assumes you love dogs. Social media, advertisements, TV shows, everyday life. You are made to feel like a second class citizen if you don’t love dogs. I’m a runner and dogs are a real concern to me when running. Almost on a weekly basis, I’m accosted by an off-leash dog in a non-off leash area. And yet, I’m the bad guy when I complain. I just don’t want my space invaded by a dog when I’m outside. Somehow that makes ma a bad guy. Sadly, that will never change, and dog-owners will always flout the rules with impunity. So, yes, I don’t like dogs as a result.

        • Yes to your questing. There’s a difference between someone who doesn’t want an animal companion and someone that hates no human animals. Althought you do sound fun[ sarcasim]

        • Wow Kenny, you have serious issues. I am assuming you are also single, childless and spend most of your time watching websites with the letter X in them.

          • What Kenny said was perfectly logical. You, on the other hand, resorted to asinine ad-hominem attacks because you clearly have no counter-arguments of substance. Typical of braindead animal lovers, I find.

        • Thank you! It’s so dumb to say that someone is a bad person because they don’t like dogs. Who wants to deal with taking care of something that can’t do nothing for itself at all? We all have likes and dislikes. Funny how people can say they hate cats but if you say it about dogs the world ends. I don’t want a useless, smelly, nerdy. barking dog in my life to make me feel complete. Some people need to get over themselves.

        • Thank you! It’s so dumb to say that someone is a bad person because they don’t like dogs. Who wants to deal with taking care of something that can’t do nothing for itself at all? We all have likes and dislikes. Funny how people can say they hate cats but if you say it about dogs the world ends. I don’t want a useless, smelly, nerdy. barking dog in my life to make me feel complete. Some people need to get over themselves.

      • Don’t feel bad bc I wasn’t raised with animals. Feel sorry for you for putting all of your energy and effort into mutated beings over other human beings. Animals are found in pairs in nature and have a function. Tell me about dogs besides keeping you company, licking and scratching their asses, smelly, and being dependent on you for their overall function ( food, bathroom, entertainment, attention) *rolling my eyes * Pick up your poop scoop and shut up with all this dog propaganda.

    • If dogs are such an excellent judge of character, why were so many serial killers dog owners? I don’t trust anyone who allies with members of a different species that they cannot even have meaningful communication with.

      • Exactly. The love for dogs is beyond ridiculous. I get if someone likes them but don’t have a do because I don’t. Let me run up to a human and start jumping on them, licking them after licking my behind and other places, eating poop and whatever else. Bet they won’t like that. Oh but I supposed to accept it from a dog. Uh, no!

    • I’ve learned to trust my cat’s opinion of people. He warned me off three different men I was about to go on dates with, and all three ended up being horrible, cruel people. I found out the truth about each of them after I ended up not going on those dates. Some people might think I’m crazy for listening to my cat, but animals have great instincts, and if my cat doesn’t like someone, there’s good reason for it, in my opinion.

  3. Funny, but oh so true. The way people treat animals (and anything/anyone else that is defenseless) is usually a very good indicator or the way they treat others. . . although there are many not-very-nice animal lovers too. I can understand people who have an aversion to animals avoiding them, but I would be very reluctant to trust anyone who went out of their way to deliberately cause harm to an animal. BTW – animal instinct about people is amazingly accurate — if the animals don’t trust them — you should probably watch out for them too.

    • Cats tend to like people who don’t like cats. It’s hilarious. (That’s because cats hate eye contact and are drawn to people who don’t look at them.)

      • When my cat first came into my life, I was looking to get a dog as I was in a place where I could afford to properly care for a pet. I was the only one not trying to get my future cat’s attention in that room, and he made a beeline for me. I was instantly smitten with him from that moment on, and I was able to bring him home with me a few weeks later. The people who had him needed to rehome him because he didn’t get along with two of the other pets in that home. My cat has done nothing but enrich my life all these 14 years.

        I’ve always been an animal and nature lover, and I can’t imagine being any differently. I do understand why some people aren’t, as there are many factors that go into this, including developing a fear of some sort, but I feel sad for people who don’t know the joys of having animals and nature in their lives, even to a small degree like having a plant or the like. For me, my life’s only enriched by these things, and I’d feel a huge loss if they weren’t part of it.

    • You trust someone you are a fool. All livings are my foes, I Not trust my Mom or Dad or anyone, I love my wife but I dislike all animals but my wife love animals at least she not kiss the animals but all time I need to rent another house and his disgusting animal’s Invading my life and break my home and I need to move and fix all damage. All my life I dislike animal’s and I love the way I am And I will never change a bit. Animals belong outside of their homes. If a animal lover kiss mouth to mouth a pet you need to never kiss this person again and never make the love with this tipe of persona. For the safety of your health.

        • It has nothing to do with whether people have pets or not. I know a lot of people with pets who are very open minded, and I know some with pets who aren’t. I also know a lot of people without pets, who say they don’t even like them, who are closed minded, and, again, some in this category who are open minded.

          Whether a person has pets or animals in their life at all has no bearing on whether a person’s open minded or closed minded.

      • I like other peoples pets, I live a busy life. I just don’t see myself taking care of a pet when I’m trying to figure out how to take care of myself. Also if I was going to have a pet I would make sure he was properly cared for, shots up to date, well feed, walked, and he’s/her needs met according to his/her breed. Nothing’s more infuriating than people who claim to love their pet and you see their pet looking like they only get attention when the owner feels the need to give that attention. Having a pet is a big responsibility. You can’t just have one and claim to be be a pet lover… lol
        Your article doesn’t take many factors in consideration, do better.

    • gotta love ignorant people like you generalizing absolutely everybody without an animal. you do realize animal abusers have an animal to abuse? you do realize not everybody is financially stable enough for an animal?? you realize some people have allergies, some so severe they’ll choke up and die? but no of course you dont want to think of that, because youre a close minded animal freak. good day.

      • Wow, Xiomara… You are really something. That’s like saying that all parents are emotionally stable to have children or that people who are domestic abusers are emotionally stable to have a wife and kids…

  4. I am a pet person just so you know. I am sorry you had to work with a nasty HR person, but there are nasty people everywhere. Our pets, especially dogs, reflect how we act. I have met some really nasty pet owners. My guess is that the HR person didn’t start out that way, but developed over time because she didn’t learn how to forgive and let bitterness go. If we are not careful, pets or not, we too can become just like her. I have spent many years in the workforce, with and without pets, and that is the theme I consistently see – People holding on to old hurts and letting them affect their lives way longer than they should. Animals are good for us. I don’t doubt this for a minute. Forgiveness and moving on is even better.

  5. Have to disagree. I know people, very kind and happy positive people, who have no pets at all. Some of them have health issues (asthma/allergy/etc), some just work or travel a lot. Just because you have had bad experience you can’t label everyone the same

    • I have no time for animals. They are too dependent and high maintenance. Cats are not, but they are a-holes. You cant even pet them without them attacking your hand. They are stupid. I dont have time for that. I dont like the smell, I dont like the hair all over my stuff, I dont like the destruction of furniture they cause. And I find the most annoying people are the ones who worship animals and hate humans. I have a lady below me who is currently harboring about 12 cats in her apartment. It is now causing the entire building to smell like a combo of a corpse and a cat’s a-hole. And dogs, they are way too needy and destructive. I dont require companionship from animals. I am too busy with everything else.

      • Who is the high maintenence individual. Read your post as someone other than yourself, then answer who is the highest maintenence here?
        Thank good you don’t require the company of animal. Side note humans are animals, lol

        • clarice i keep scrolling down and seeing even more of your foolish incessant posts, its like a goldmine of ignorant rambles from you! great thing to laugh at today LOL

        • I love animals, I think it’s safe to conclude that you do as well based upon your replies to other commenters. I don’t think that what the person above said was wrong. If someone doesn’t have the time/means/resources, then they just don’t have it. Taking care of a pet is a great responsibility, and you can’t expect everyone to want to take it on just because you feel like it’s a good thing to do. Also to your comment about the person above being high maintenance… that was pretty nonsensical. But even it were true that they are high-maintenance, that would mean that they are requiring another being to care for pretty much their every need (they would not be self-sufficient ie. like pets/dogs).

  6. I was raised with animals. I used to love them. I have experienced animals all my life, still am experiencing them, and now I have a burning dislike for them/ would never own a pet after I’m done college and move out on my own. ‘Don’t trust people who experience the world differently than me’ is what you’re actually saying.

    I personally just cannot stand the scent, mess, and disgusting/ needy aspects of owning an animal anymore. My roommates, brother, and family growing up/ moving out all had animals. And their houses stank- the current place I’m in is a minefield for vomit, feces, or anything else the cats/ dogs get their mouths on. And my roommates refuse to clean it up. You can’t go into the basement without a breathing mask, it’s so disgusting. I do my best but I’m not their maid, I don’t own these animals, and it’s not my job to take responsibility for their personal shortcomings. I refuse to take responsibility they’ve shirked.

    This is just the most severe case; my parents, my sister’s in laws that I was staying with always had an immaculate house. My brothers was decent. The animals themselves were just the worst. I loved my pets growing up, but for some reason now I can’t stand their bahaviours. Maybe I was just childish and naïve, my parents having dealt with the responsibilities of owning the pet while I just experienced the fun. But their constant screaming for food, their random attacks when they feel you haven’t paid enough attention to them (Hello, college student, sometimes I spend 4 or 5 days in the Animation room just trying to meet deadlines. I can’t pay attention to you every 5 seconds.) and their random fits when they don’t get what they want are aggravating.

    I would never kill an animal. I just suddenly went from loving them to realizing that they’re disgusting, unhygienic balls of ‘pay attention to me or I’ll scratch up/ chew up/ vomit on everything.’ Worst part about my current situation is that my roommates neglect the cats. I’m the one feeding and changing their lotterboxes, paying attention to them whenever I can, and dealing with them every day. My Roommate uses her depression as an excuse to lay in bed all day, every day, and let things rot/ neglect her animals. She lives upstairs, the cats live downstairs. She constantly tries to say ‘they’re just cats’ as if they’re stupid, but she wouldn’t know seeing as she never spends time with them.

    Apparently she loves them, but when she comes down here she won’t even stop to pet them. They’re eye candy for her, because they’re ‘so cute.’

    I have never been disillusioned so quickly in my life. I went from loving animals to hating being woken up every other hour because these cats have health issues, thus they get fed wet prescription food, and don’t get to just eat whenever they want. Except they think being loud/ keeping me up is going to get them food. I’ve never wanted to strangle or harm an animal as much as I have with these people’s animals. I would NEVER do something like that, ever, but the feeling is there.

    I am now fully responsible for these animals, thus I have experienced ‘owning’ them. Despite this being thrust on me just because my roommate can’t be bothered to woak down the stairs. Therefore, I have decided that the experiences I have left me disliking the idea of owning a pet/ disliking pets. I still love, play with, laugh and enjoy other people’s pets, but there’s no way in hell I’m ever living with another animal again, because I dislike pets. For you to say ‘don’t trust someone’ is presumptuous. Pets are not indicative of a good person. Pets are a preference. Whether you have one or not does not define you as a person, and if you think it does, then you have zero personality to begin with.

  7. so much bias in here couldn’t stop laughing. It’s so funny that you call yourself “animal lovers”, more like animal discriminators.
    1. What do you feed you cat or dog? Yes you feed them other animals, so you are not an animal lover you are discriminating between animals. Do us a favor and don’t call yourself an animal lover!
    2. Have you ever asked your cat or your dog what they want? No. You force them into a lifestyle that pleases you, so that makes you selfish, you love your pet for selfish reasons. You imprison them in your apartment when they actually wanna be outside, you feed them something that they might not want, you fix them without their acknowledgement. Please don’t call yourself an animal lover, everything you do is for selfish reasons, to make yourself feel good, to make yourself look better in the eyes of others!
    I can go on and on why I don’t have pets, but just know that I consider all animals equal and I really believe that each animals life is worth the same, when I say this I consider people animals too.

    • Best comment ever! Most “animal lovers” have no problem scarfing down a burger while they dress their dogs up for a photo op. No one has the right to criticize my animal free existence unless they, at the very least, acknowledge this hypocrisy.

  8. I’ve always had a fondness for animals. They’re adorable and a vital part of our world. I enjoy hanging out with other people’s pets and pet sitting on occasion.
    However, I don’t want one in my home . I like to come and go as I please and I don’t want to fight all of the hair .
    It is also disgusting that dogs go outside and poop, then they come in and sit in things. I can only imagine all of the microscopic fecal rings all over a home, and urine/ feces from cat paws walking in litter.
    Pet owners seem dirty to me. Pet saliva on hands and face, dander and hair on clothing, etc.
    I’d never turn down seeing puppy and kitty pics from a coworker, but I certainly don’t want one of my own!

  9. It’s very sad to read some of these posts. Stinky animals? … They’re no different than children. If you or your human off spring don’t bathe, then you with have “ stenchy rooms and filthy, disgusting”. It’s not an animal’s fault if their humans are irresponsible and negligent care givers (which is now a FELONY in all 50 states, just as neglect etcetera is to an infant or child or any other person in need. Animal and child haters are usually extremely selfish and self-centered people .. most often very ambitious for material gain at any cost to others. I definitely don’t enjoy those types of… “people”. Around animals, I have no drama. I wake up happy every single day and so do they. Humans are what stress me out and ruin the day. Think about it. A dog is often happy to see a good person. Most people are not happy to see anyone unless there’s something in it for them like money, food, a gift, sex, materialism in one for or another or someone to do their work for them. I’d rather be around animals who just love life and love being in my company. I love being in their company. Peace and calmness. Ever notice how angry people enjoy violent and thriller type movies. The music they listen to is filled with anger or some tragedy or other type of sadness. It’s as if they all died as soon as puberty hit and the love inside died too, with only selfish lust and self-centered motives to remain. Humanity sucks. It’s embarrassing being a part of the species. They’re not as important or wise as they think they are. Totally self absorbed and delusional in their thinking. Too bad COVID didn’t take those types from the planet. Offended animal haters? You offend us who love animals. So I have no regrets in my words. Try not to have a temper tantrum today. Try every day and maybe you’ll feel better eventually. ☺️😊

    • Oh Dave Fromman… Most children learn how to clean up after themselves at some point… Animals never do. They will continue to make your house stinky and filthy unless you clean up after them. My mother’s house was ruined by animals she couldn’t take care of, so I’m familiar.
      Your scope is very limited if you hate everyone who doesn’t have or like animals. I wouldn’t malign others or wish death by COVID upon them because they choose to keep pets. Wasn’t there once a guy who wanted everyone dead because they practiced a different religion than him? Oh wait… I think that may have been Hitler, and your thinking is very similar to his if you hate people with different opinions other than your own.

      • Xiomara, you are an online troll who has harassed, spewed hate and insulted everyone you can on this thread. You are psychotic. Lmao with smiles. You’re nuts and most likely scared to death of animals, who likely ALL growl or hiss at you, because they know you’re cruel and a threat. You need holy water poured on you. Psychotic Evil Animal Hater. You’re so nasty, you literally Gnash your teeth at people expressing Love for Animals. Sicko. 🤢🤮💩💩

        • LMAO..epic! “they all prob hiss and growl at you… undoubtedly all sensing the evil, psychotic threatening beastly troll that you are.” I douse thee with holy water!! LMAO

  10. It’s very sad to read some of these posts. Stinky animals? … They’re no different than children. If you or your human off spring don’t bathe, then you with have “ stenchy rooms and filthy, disgusting” children, infants and you too will be that way. It’s not an animal’s fault if their humans are irresponsible and negligent care givers (which is now a FELONY in all 50 states, just as neglect etcetera is to an infant or child or any other person in need. Animal and child haters are usually extremely selfish and self-centered people .. most often very ambitious for material gain at any cost to others. I definitely don’t enjoy those types of… “people”. Around animals, I have no drama. I wake up happy every single day and so do they. Humans are what stress me out and ruin the day. Think about it. A dog is often happy to see a good person. Most people are not happy to see anyone unless there’s something in it for them like money, food, a gift, sex, materialism in one for or another or someone to do their work for them. I’d rather be around animals who just love life and love being in my company. I love being in their company. Peace and calmness. Ever notice how angry people enjoy violent and thriller type movies. The music they listen to is filled with anger or some tragedy or other type of sadness. It’s as if they all died as soon as puberty hit and the love inside died too, with only selfish lust and self-centered motives to remain. Humanity sucks. It’s embarrassing being a part of the species. They’re not as important or wise as they think they are. Totally self absorbed and delusional in their thinking. Too bad COVID didn’t take those types from the planet. Offended animal haters? You boffend us who love animals. So I have no regrets in my words. Try not to have a temper tantrum today. Try every day and maybe you’ll feel better eventually. ☺️😊

    • Only an absolute cretin would compare pets with children, that’s why you die alone with your cats and dogs who have zero understanding of any concepts and yet are at your level.

  11. It’s very sad to read some of these posts. Stinky animals? … They’re no different than children. If you or your human off spring don’t bathe, then you will also have “ stenchy rooms and filthy, disgusting” children and infants. You too, will be that way if you are neglectful of yourself. It’s not an animal’s fault if their humans are irresponsible and negligent care givers (which is now a FELONY in all 50 states, just as neglect etcetera is to an infant or child or any other person in need.

    Animal and child haters are usually extremely selfish and self-centered people .. most often very ambitious for material gain at any cost to others. I definitely don’t enjoy those types of… “people”. Around animals, I have no drama. I wake up happy every single day and so do they. Humans are what stress me out and ruin the day. Think about it.

    A dog is often happy to see a good person. Most people are not happy to see anyone unless there’s something in it for them like money, food, a gift, sex, materialism in one for or another or someone to do their work for them. I’d rather be around animals who just love life and love being in my company. I love being in their company. Peace and calmness.

    Ever notice how angry people enjoy violent and thriller type movies. The music they listen to is filled with anger or some tragedy or other type of sadness. It’s as if they all died as soon as puberty hit and the love inside died too, with only selfish lust and self-centered motives to remain. Humanity sucks. It’s embarrassing being a part of the species. They’re not as important or wise as they think they are. Totally self absorbed and delusional in their thinking. Too bad COVID didn’t take those types from the planet. Offended animal haters? You offend all us who love animals. So I have no regrets in my words. Try not to have a temper tantrum today. Try every day and maybe you’ll feel better eventually. ☺️😊 God forbid that you might become a decent humanoid.

  12. It’s very sad to read some of these posts. Stinky animals? … They’re no different than children. If you or your human off spring don’t bathe, then you will also have “ stenchy rooms and filthy, disgusting” children and infants. You too, will be that way if you are neglectful of yourself. It’s not an animal’s fault if their humans are irresponsible and negligent care givers (which is now a FELONY in all 50 states, just as neglect etcetera is to an infant or child or any other person in need.

    Animal and child haters are usually extremely selfish and self-centered people .. most often very ambitious for material gain at any cost to others. I definitely don’t enjoy those types of… “people”. Around animals, I have no drama. I wake up happy every single day and so do they. Humans are what stress me out and ruin the day. Think about it.

    A dog is often happy to see a good person. Most people are not happy to see anyone unless there’s something in it for them like money, food, a gift, sex, materialism in one for or another or someone to do their work for them. I’d rather be around animals who just love life and love being in my company. I love being in their company. Peace and calmness.

    Ever notice how angry people enjoy violent and thriller type movies. The music they listen to is filled with anger or some tragedy or other type of sadness. It’s as if they all died as soon as puberty hit and the love inside died too, with only selfish lust and self-centered motives to remain. Humanity sucks. It’s embarrassing being a part of the species. They’re not as important or wise as they think they are. Totally self absorbed and delusional in their thinking. Too bad COVID didn’t take those types from the planet. Offended animal haters? You offend all us who love animals. So I have no regrets in my words. Try not to have a temper tantrum today. Try every day and maybe you’ll feel better eventually. ☺️😊 God forbid that you might become a decent humanoid.

    Concrete jungles have no souls.

    • A hearty AMEN to that! God gave us these wonderful animals to give us a glimpse of His unconditional love. I am 80 and have had animals all my life. My dog now is a SERVICE ANIMAL who has made my life liveable for 15 years and I can’t imagine life without him. I can’t recall him doing anything wrong in 15 yrs. He is a joy every minute…and my home is clean and spotless…you can’t blame FILTH on your animal…look in the mirror to see who to blame….and yes my dog can identify the “bad guy” and expose them in a minute very discretely.

    • Decent humanoids don’t wish that COVID should’ve taken other human lives. You’re a monster, apparently no better than your furry four-legged monster.

  13. I cannot imagine my life without pets and I have had both dogs and cats and currently, we have one of each! I have never asked people interviewing for an HR position if they had pets or liked animals, however, in looking back, the people that have worked out the best have been those that have pets. With my department right now, we all have pets and we share stories and photos of them! I have had friends/acquaintances that never had pets and I must say they were some of the most self-involved people I have ever known — a pet, even more than a family, takes you out of that way of thinking. Can it be annoying when your cat essentially yells at you because you slept later than usual and her breakfast is overdue? Of course, however, I would not want it any other way. Thanks for this post.

  14. A hearty AMEN to that! God gave us these wonderful animals to give us a glimpse of His unconditional love. I am 80 and have had animals all my life. My dog now is a SERVICE ANIMAL who has made my life liveable for 15 years and I can’t imagine life without him. I can’t recall him doing anything wrong in 15 yrs. He is a joy every minute…and my home is clean and spotless…you can’t blame FILTH on your animal…look in the mirror to see who to blame….and yes my dog can identify the “bad guy” and expose them in a minute very discretely.

  15. The problem is not loving animals. Too many of people down right WORSHIP their animals and think any stranger of friend should do and feel the same. It is no fun going to visit a friend that lets their cats scratch the hell out of you or their dog jump all over you and tear your pants etc.

    But there animals are so precious and more important than people and human children apparently, so they should be worshiped and allowed to infringe on the peace of others. They should be allowed into every grocery store, fast food restaurant and hospital.

    How about don’t trust people who don’t love people!!!!!? That’s a far more heinous crime!

  16. It might be worth to consider that could easily be the way around, some people can relate to animals better (domesticated) because the pet is always happy to see you and will have an unconditional love and basically that could also be a sign of a narcissistic behavior.
    if you are seriously comparing having a dog to raising a children you have a problem, some people have no options other than that and it is reasonable, but I don’t know what is safer if to trust someone that don’t like animals or someone that does not know the difference between the two.
    Saying “don’t trust anyone that does not like animals” is a very low resolution thinking. Some people don’t have pets and that does not make them animals haters.
    and also… please give a break, humanizing your pet and pretending that it is a person make you look like a real fool to a thinking person.
    Nothing against animals here just against people that are not using the “thing” that separate us from animals.
    Wow, feel like I am withing a letter for toddlers and not adults, what a bummer, but I have no hope to make you use that thing.
    Stay thirsty my friends!!!

    • Ditto… It’s utterly depressing to witness how judgmental some people are. I can think of a hundred other things that would make you not trust someone, but not liking animals isn’t on the list.

  17. Don’t demonize people who don’t project human emotions on animals and can see them for what they are. Animals do carry diseases and many other things. Ringworm, worms, fleas ,ticks and what ever those pests carry. Also some people just don’t want the vet bills, or the extra expense. They are not cheap in any sense. This goes for all pets and not just cats and dogs. People who view their pets as another child do seem to have some mental issues and problems with codependency and depression so for anyone to think that others who dont want pets are unstable is quite a joke. As for me I loved having animals In my life until I was 26 years old.. but currently I prefer not to have them because it makes my life easier and stress free. I don’t have to worry about my nice things being ruined or my food being stolen when I turn my back to get a drink. No mess to clean up and my finances are comfortable.
    I am much happier , as I’m sure others feel the same I do.

  18. You don’t understand how some people are happier without animals? Okay, let me help you understand. They are costly, dirty, have to be trained, cannot be left alone for too long, carry fleas, ticks, etc, shed, tear shit up, bite, scratch, are loud (some dogs), have to be let out to pee, poop, need to be spayed/neutered, need medical care which all this makes them a HUGE responsibility and can be a liability if they attack/harm others. But that doesn’t mean I will not pet your animal if I am given the okay and I feel like showing the animal some love. That doesn’t mean that I do not feel sad for strays, animals in shelters and pet stores. That doesn’t mean that my heart doesn’t break when I hear of animal abuse!!! To say you cannot trust someone is going to far just because they don’t want to take on the responsibility. Also, I have a question for you! Are you VEGAN? If not, you are contributing to the MASS enslavement, torture, and killing of factory farmed animals so you can eat meat, dairy, and eggs! So it’s okay to have a pet dog/cat while your eating chicken, pig, and/or cow? They are all sentient living beings. Humans IN GENERAL cannot be trusted because most humans are HYPOCRITES!!!

  19. The idea that I shouldn’t “be trusted” since I don’t like pets is honestly absurd and offensive. I get where you are coming from but this is a very culturally isolated point of view. Human to pet interaction is not a human universal. Not all cultures or people have interest in animals outside of food or observation. Heck I’ve even found a study that suggests that genetics play a big role in pet keeping and of course, we do not have any control over our genetics. So let me tell you why I am not a pet person (in fact there are plenty of reasons to not want to live around pets at all, just as there are plenty of reasons to keep them around). And yes I’ve had pets for most of my life, I’m very familiar with dogs, cats, rodents, etc.
    1. Pets are filthy and if you have pets living in doors you must vacuum constantly and clean up the messes they make with their food and their feces. You also have to worry about them destroying your property or stealing your food. Every time I go to a pet owners house, regardless of whether or not they are clean people, I can instantly smell if they have cat or dogs and I just hate that pet store smell. Pet owners claim that they don’t smell but that’s because they live with the animals and are simply used to it. I am not willing to do this and therefor wouldn’t get an animal because it would just become a bad situation for both of us.
    2. Animals do nothing for my mental health. I get it, they make many people happy but that isn’t a universal and it’s wrong to pretend that it is. If anything being surrounded by animals makes me worse off since I get nothing out of being around animals that don’t have narrative minds, no self discipline beyond what you train them to do, and cannot understand or comprehend how they effect others or the deeply human situations that I have to deal with. I am much happier being with other people. I’m a people person not an animal person. We also have to consider that we are talking about domestic animals, not wild ones. Domestic animals are behaviorally and genetically conditioned, by humans, to depend on us for their physical and mental wellbeing. Pets love us because they have to by their nature and by necessity. The human bond is simply more important to me when all these facts are considered. Why would I want to be by a dog when I’m down when I can be with another person who’s been in the same scenario and can offer me advice and real human companionship? That’s my mindset.
    3. I cannot accept that a pet makes me more healthy because they don’t. In fact to flat out say that pets do cause this is pseudoscientific as this is a something we are just starting to consider scientifically. Aka, we just don’t know yet. Here’s an excerpt from an article that I just read on the topic: “Further, we do not know whether getting a pet causes better health, or whether the causal arrow points in the other direction. In other words, pet owners might be different to begin with. If so, non-pet-related differences such as socioeconomic status might be the real cause of better health for companion animal owners. For example, people who are married, white, female, and wealthy have lower death rates. If individuals with these characteristics are also more likely to live with pets, we could wrongly conclude that it is dog or cat ownership that makes them live longer.“ Aka correlation doesn’t always equal causation. But, I can say for a fact that animals do not make me healthier. I already go on walks every day. I go to the gym four days a week. I exercise every morning after I get up. I have a healthy diet. I don’t smoke and hardly ever drink. I’m a very active person who is engaged with myself, my friends and family, as-well as my environment. All of this without being a typical pet person. Your health or lack thereof is largely dependent on how you choose to live your life.
    4. I do not want to be responsible for an animals actions. Say I have a dog and it goes berserk and kills a child. Many times this is due to the owners but many other times this is just a matter of the dog not respecting others. I don’t want to be responsible for this and have to live that for the rest of my life. If my dog or cat jumps on someone who is allergic and they get sick then it’s my fault. Say my cat attacks a kid and they are scared for the rest of their life and now have a phobia of animals, that’s my fault. I don’t want to deal with something like this and that’s okay, not everyone does.
    5. They are expensive and add nothing to my life. Food, toys, pens, medicine, and training all add up. Id get it if the dog or cat protected my farm or something like that but spending all this money and time on an animal which serves no other purpose than being an object for my affection is just not worth it.
    6. In fact the idea that this living creature should exist for my satisfaction, being an object of affection for humans, like a stuffed animal, just seems inherently wrong and narcissistic to me. Remember these things are domestic animals, they are literally designed to be obsessed with you. Having a companionship with a dog is not impressive or really even an achievement. Any dog will do this as that is what humans breed them to do for thousands of years. There’s also the fact that the animal likely cannot survive on its own so human interaction is a simple necessity for them. A human on the other hand, must choose to be around you and to be intimate with you, that is why it matters more to me. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve met people who consider their pets to be their babies or family or whatever and that is just flat out stupid. They are not. Real babies and children are far more important and worthwhile to us and to our future than a pet. The connection you have with a child and the effort and love you have to put into a child are far more important and worthwhile as-well. Plus you don’t buy your family. You don’t put your family down when you don’t want to pay a medical bill. You don’t make your family wear a collar or a leash. You don’t make your family live in a cage when you aren’t home. You don’t train your family to entertain you with treats. This is all just flat out narcissism and an inability to accept and empathize with the views and dispositions of other people and I see this so much in the pet world.

    Now do I dislike pet owners? Of course not. Some of my best friends have pets and I am perfectly okay with that. Just as I am okay with being around or playing with their animals. However I have no desire whatsoever to have my own, unless they served a real bona fide purpose and didn’t live in doors with me, and that is okay. That is how most people thought for most of human history and there’s nothing wrong with it. The idea that pets are family, should be in doors, on your bed, on your couch, at or near the dinner table, etc is a very modern idea, originating within the aristocracy and then subsequently spreading to the average urbanite and suburbanite in the past century or so as that tends to happen. Don’t pretend for a second that myself or people like me are abnormal for these views.

    • You are really sick in the head; you are trying to rationalize away your mixed-up belief, but there is so much research that uses advanced data analysis and double-blind design to control for causality, noise, etc. Imagine getting this upset; I wouldn’t be surprised at this being a result of cognitive dissonance. So many dissenting comments are claiming “NO! It’s because I love people that I dislike pets,” but that’s also rationalizing. I would be surprised if the majority of those people held economically progressive positions, the kind that help people. (and to tie it back to science, research shows higher levels of empathy and pro-social behavior in pet owner populations [and vice-versa, higher pet ownership rates among those with high scores or behavior markers associated with pro-social, non-selfish traits]-and “I/plenty of people I know are great pet haters” is anecdotal, not valid, so I hope that reading comprehension is active here).

      • mustard. i’d tell you to fix your crappy state of mind but that forehead clearly needs some work. get that fixed LMAOOO

        • Xiomara, you are an online troll who has harassed, spewed hate and insulted everyone you can on this thread. You are psychotic. Lmao with smiles. You’re nuts and most likely scared to death of animals, who likely ALL growl or hiss at you. You need holy water poured on you. Psychotic Evil Animal Hater. You’re so nasty, you literally Gnash your teeth at people expressing Love for Animals. Sicko. 🤢🤮💩💩

        • You’re a psychotic stalker. Pathetic. He’s handsome, you’re likely ugly. So miserable and rotten, you abuse people online. You hate people who love animals, because you know, that we all know how happy animal lovers are. And that pisses you off. Go away online troll.

  20. Ok well I am one of those people who do NOT understand peoples fascination with owning pets. My own dad treats his dogs like they are people. And all I can think is how can a married man be so lonely that he has such affection for those dirty little hairballs? It just doesn’t make any sense to me. Dogs bark incessently. They shed non stop. And anytime you go somewhere you have the problem of kenneling them. You can’t just pick up and go. No you have to deal with a mutt. What value does a stupid animal add to anyones life? I’m of the opinion that people who need animals are retarded. And cats? Seriously? Ever walked into the home of a kitty owner? The first thing you smell is a disgusting liter box. Which apparently they happy empty out daily. Nasty job. Turd cleaner. Might as well move in next to the ape section of your local zoo bc your house literally smells like shit 24/7. And your reward for feeding this smelly shedding hairball? I don’t understand pet owners at all. I walk in the park often. And without fail people with their doggies on their leashes fail to keep a respectable distance. Smiling at me on approach as if I’m expected to pet their disgusting animals. Is it a means to meet people? Rather desperate if so. And the cost for doing so is HIGH. Must love dogs. Ha ha. Not this guy. And no I haven’t been bitten by any animals and I grew up having pets. But I wasn’t responsible for them. And frankly I never enjoyed picking their hair out of my clothes. But yeah I must be a bad co-worker or person just bc my house isn’t a zoo that smells like cat turds. Do us all a favor and stop writing.

  21. Awww. Just because you’re mad at that lady and had a bad day doesn’t mean you can throw the rest of us under the bus. Lol.

    Maybe working on social skills and dealing with the specific people you have a problem with will help you see the biases within this article. Zoonotic and bacterial infections are just the some of the diseases that can cause untold damage to a person. Your article is an emotional piece and not a social nor medical study which I was hoping for. Some of the things you said is just irresponsible tbh.

    Toxicplasmosis for example. Untreated, these infections can lead to blindness. But if your immune system is weakened, especially as a result of HIV / AIDS , toxoplasmosis can lead to seizures and life-threatening illnesses such as encephalitis — a serious brain infection. In people with AIDS , untreated encephalitis from toxoplasmosis is fatal.

    In conclusion I vehemently disagree with the article though I don’t hold it against you. Because that HR lady sounds like a horrible person to be around and I understand that sometimes one person can mess up for everyone else.

    • philip you literally sound 60 go take your aspirin for your back pains old man LMFAO
      also martha is banging the neighbor again woops!

  22. Wow. I am so disappointed that this article exists. If it was a simple opinion piece on a blog I wouldn’t be, but to see it on a professional’s business site is extremely odd. I realize that essentially it is simply a short opinion piece but I feel there’s quite a bit of nuance that could have been delved into here.

    I don’t like having pets. I used to. I have enjoyed and loved having peta for most of my life. But as I get older, I find it more enjoyable to be alone, especially when at home. I recently spent a year away from my family working abroad and realized that our pets were one of the top things back home making my life miserable. As some other replies mentioned, my lack of desire for animal companionship does not translate to hatred towards animals. More like apathy. In fact, I only tell people I don’t want/like pets whenever they get super pushy about discussing their own. Anecdotally, that happens a lot. Since that’s the evidence we’re mainly relying on here, I have many more personal stories of fun and supportive coworkers who didn’t have or care about pets than ones who did.

  23. Interesting article. Of course there are many happy and successful men who hate dogs and cats. It’s called being fully human, which means knowing that animals do not have souls and are not worthy of affection the way humans are.

    But I do understand that many women love having sex with their big doggos. It’s a mental and moral disease which needs excorcism to cure. So tell us, as a demonically possessed cunt who likes dog penis in your orifices, when did you first get boned by fido?

    • If the author hasn’t fooled around with a dog, she’s certainly entertained the idea. Too creepy article IMO.

  24. To all of the animal “haters” in this blog is exactly why I love animals and hate 99.9% of humans. I feel the same way about humans…they are nasty, dirty, and carry communicable diseases…and I’ve seen many male humans pee outside in my long lifetime. Humans are not only disgusting physically everything they do emotionally is in vain. They are out for number one and when fellow humans can’t fulfill that “number one” need (which no one can) they will f**k you and move on to the next human victim. As for that bitchy HR lady, I have a feeling she’d be miserable even if she owned a pet. It’s probably a good thing she didn’t.
    People SUCK

  25. Here are some of the reasons why I find domestic canines to be repulsive. Some of these pertain to the animals themselves, others to the behavior of their owners.
    First, domestic canines lack the characteristics of naturally occurring, one could say, “real” animals. Naturally evolved animals take care of themselves – they hunt or forage, build shelters, and are generally self-sufficient, whether living alone or communally. Domestic canines (literally) sit around waiting for their owners to give them food. Even parasites don’t wait to be given food out of kindness – they take what they need without asking anyone’s permission or giving a pitiful look. No animal that waits to be given food would ever survive in the wild, nor would it evolve naturally, but would be long extinct. The ancestor of domestic canines is the wolf, a self-sufficient predator. But humans have chosen to selectively (I’d say selfishly) breed these animals into genetic degenerates which would be easy prey for their progenitors.
    A similar argument might be made about other domestic animals, but I find such a comparison flawed. Reason: many other domestic animals are generally wild-type animals which simply have been brought indoors, e.g. snakes, mice, and birds, among others. Domestic canines, on the other hand, did not evolve on their own but resulted from extensive human manipulation. Cats were similarly domesticated but are significantly more apt for self-sufficiency than canines; for example, cats hunt, while some of the more “independent” canines are more likely to forage in trash.
    Ironically, what some call “man’s best friend” possesses many characteristics that most people would consider highly undesirable in an actual human friend. To wit: imagine a sycophant with no personal motivation or self-respect, who follows you around, smelling foul, mouth hanging open, tongue hanging out, breathing heavily, making loud noises at anything that walks past, and lazily doing nothing but waiting to be told exactly what to do and when. Is there anyone who would enjoy the company of such an individual? If so, you may wish to reconsider your taste in friends.
    People often use the adjective “loyal” to describe these animals. Loyalty per se is not necessarily a positive trait – isn’t an abused woman who refuses to leave her abuser similarly “loyal?” We don’t consider that respectable behavior in humans, so why in animals?
    Simply put, they smell foul. Perhaps not all the time, but if this were not true, the saying “smells like a wet dog” simply would not exist. Moreover, naturally occurring animals do not need to be bathed by other species. Domestic cats, on the other hand, self-sufficiently clean themselves.
    These animals can be dangerous, unpredictably so. We’ve all read news articles about certain “gentle” animals that “have never hurt anyone,” and subsequently snap and maim or kill their owners. There was a recent story about a young woman who took her animals (the infamous “pit bull” breed) on a walk and ended up dead, as the animals began “eating her ribcage,” according to an eyewitness. Never hurt anyone, indeed – until it happens to you or your child. For more on this, see
    It also irks me that people seem to think these animals are smiling. Sorry, folks, but this is just how their snouts are shaped. And when they pant to release excess heat (due to their lack of sweat glands), the illusion is complete. Recall the Joker from the Batman movies, whose mouth was surgically carved into a smile – it’s the same concept.
    Some of my reasons, such as the following, have more to do with owners and their arrogant, entitled attitudes toward themselves and their animals.
    People take these animals to places where they don’t belong – restaurants, public transportation, grocery stores, and everywhere in between. Sometimes they even dress them in a fake “service” vest, trying to pass them off as “service animals,” which is a crime. Now, this aspect is tricky because it’s never clear who might have a legitimate disability, but I’d bet a large sum that it’s far fewer than those who claim to have a legitimate service animal, especially when it is dressed in a pink tutu and carried in a purse, or is barking and sniffing at everything. Real service animals do not act like this. See the ads for fake service vests that shamelessly boast, “Take your dog anywhere!” In my opinion, this is aiding and abetting a criminal offense. And parents, if you do this in front of your children, you are encouraging them to be dishonest for the sake of convenience. Don’t want to leave it in a hot car? Leave it at home. Afraid it will “get lonely” and tear up your furniture? Hire someone to watch it. But don’t break the rules and bring it where it isn’t allowed.
    It seems to me that one reason why people like these animals is that they react to humans as some kind of deity, which of course provides an ego boost to said owner. You may have psychological issues if you need an animal to validate your self-worth or make you feel “special” – maybe therapy would be a better option (and therapy doesn’t urinate on things). Note that when people see themselves as gods, they don’t care about the rules, or the rights of others (see the previous paragraph).
    Inconsiderate owners allow their animals to relieve themselves anywhere and everywhere. This is the height of arrogance and inconsiderateness. To see, or rather smell, the effect of this arrogance, simply walk past a pet store on a hot day and take in the odor of stale animal urine, which conveniently has been deposited on every vertical surface outside the store, where people can step in it and, at the very least, are forced to endure this stench. And of course, it’s illegal to allow your animal to leave its droppings without cleaning them up, which of course happens all the time. Owners: do not let your animal deface property that does not belong to you, or leave something for someone else to step in. Again, arrogance.
    It greatly bothers me that people use the pronouns “he/she” to refer to these animals. Pronouns stand for nouns, which can be a person (he/she), place (let’s approximate here/there), or thing (it). Animals are not people, nor are they places. They are things, which take the pronoun “it.” We don’t refer to a cricket, shark, or stegosaurus as him/her, so why would we magically change our grammar for domestic animals? I don’t care how you “feel” about them; they are not people.
    People sanctimoniously refer to their animals as being “rescued” or “adopted.” Sorry, but you don’t “rescue” or “adopt” an object – you purchase it. You give money to the seller/shelter/etc. and they give you an animal – that is a de facto purchase. It doesn’t matter how you feel about what you’re purchasing; it doesn’t change the nature of the transaction. Consider: if someone steals your animal, that is theft. If someone steals your child, that is kidnapping. Reason: people are adopted, animals are purchased. Now, just a moment while I go “rescue” a salad for lunch. After all, if I don’t “rescue” it, it will be thrown away, and that would be cruel because plants are people too, right?
    Finally, animal owners are not their animals’ “parents,” and your animals are not your “children.” As an article on this topic pointed out, parents aim to teach their children to be independent and take care of themselves (see above), while animal owners do not – they simply perpetuate their animals’ dependence and helplessness.
    So there you are.

    • While I agree with a lot of what you said, there is one thing about dogs being able to fend for themselves. Most breeds would probably die, but Russia in particular Moscow used to have a serious problem with feral dogs running in packs, and in some cases attacking humans. Perhaps these are some sort of Russian dog breed which is closer to the wolf than the dog, but they certainly were capable of surviving without their master – and sometimes ON their master. Apparently for the Winter Olympics they caught a lot of them, put them into cages and sold them to China, who made dog soup, a delicacy over there I am told. A better end than simply being put down I think, and they were still mans best friend, since the path to a mans heart is through his stomach after all.

      On a side not I love how she writes “Could be true, but mostly false since allergies are caused by your body’s antihistamine response, not the animal itself” yeah, and most knives don’t kill people, it’s because of the squirting blood and not the actual knife itself.

  26. I’ve had pets in the past, and loved each and every one of them. But over time, my feelings have completely changed. I no longer find pets cute or pleasant in the least. Even the sight of a kitten or puppy stirs up feelings of disgust and rage. Pure anger.

    I believe these feelings have stemmed from people in my adult life, mistreating me and other Humans, whilst treating cats and dogs like little gods. Also, my having to tolerate animals sleeping in my bed and disturbing my sleep, purely because my boyfriends didn’t wish to have their pets’ feelings hurt for being placed outside of the bedroom.

    I grew up with animals on a small hobby farm. We had a healthy respect for them, and since then, I’ve witnessed other Humans anthropomorphizing pets. It seems sad to me to experience people saying that they feel others of their own species are shit, and they’d take cats and dogs over other Humans, any day. This saddens me. In my honest opinion, behaviour is always useful information for what’s going on inside. That’s where we should be looking- not judging the acts of another.

  27. I’d say people who are cruel to animals are sociopaths. This includes people who kennel their pets 14 hours a day (why have a pet?), And people who don’t take care of their animals or train them properly, or provide vet care. Also, people who purposefully try to run over animals, like racoons, birds, or squirrels. I’d also put many people who eat their frankenchicken from a factory farm in this category, assuming they know better and have the means to do better. I love my cats. They go to the vet when sick, I clean up after them daily, brush them daily, and properly train them to not be jerks or claw things or others. They are happy cats, and visitors rarely see them. If they do, it’s because the visitors are trusted.members of the family. I don’t understand how people have such bad experiences with animals, except to say the humans caring for them are probably not doing it very well. Not loving a pet or wanting an animal is very different from actively hating animals or striving to support the harm of them needlessly (such as in factory farming, dog breedimg, etc).

  28. Animals should be free. You enslavers of pets should be ashamed, keeping creatures small and dependent for your own self worth. Grow up already!

  29. I don’t know where this silly misconception comes from that people who don’t like animals are bad or psychopathic. Someone who harms animals is bad. I would never harm an animal, but I don’t care to ever have one or really interact with anyone else’s, especially dogs, and no, I’ve never been bitten. Dogs just exasperate me with their begging and general neediness. They’re cute, but I think children are cuter. I just like people more. I prefer interactions with creatures who can mirror facial expressions, express empathy, convey how they are feeling with spoken word, more general give and take. Something that stares at me dumbly, with the same expression no matter what the situation, is unnerving to me and feels like an unequal relationship. That’s not to say I don’t think animals have value. I admire their beauty, their general cuteness, and feel protective over them in a steward-like fashion. I’ve cried over finding sick mice in my house, given kitten formula to an abandoned baby squirrel, and spent hours in the middle of the night finding a way to trap and release a bat in my house without harming it. Some people just like people more, but if your pet finds their way to my yard, I will be nice to it and keep it safe. Just hurry up and come get it, please.

  30. Well, it’s pet owners who actually hate animals. Loving to “own” an animal, castrate it, drag it about to urinate and defecate in public places so that you can have something warm to grope and talk to has nothing to do with “love for animals”. Hundreds of animals need to be intensively farmed and cruelly killed for “pet” food, why don’t love those animals? I love animals in nature and I am happy to admire them from afar, I have no need to imprison a man-made mutant in order to feel “loved” or important or have control over a living being.

  31. Wow!!!! Lots of childhood issues resurfacing in these comments…

    People! Relax!
    Pets are good for the people who want to have them. Lots of people love them but can’t have them. Lots of people have had them and decided not to anymore for whatever reason that is pertinent only to them.
    Same thing about kids. Some have them and abuse them. Some don’t want them and have them. And some want them and can’t have them. It’s about the feelings that having a living thing, that we choose to have, brings up in all of us.
    Some will have them some will not and that’s a fact! If your life is better because of it, great! If your life is bliss because you don’t have them, great! It’s about the feeling that pet owners share with other pet owners and that they wish the “don’t like” pets would experience.

  32. Don’t trust people who say they love animals more than people because hypocrites like that live inside society enjoying what humans made but being ungrateful insulting others. Many narcissistic people don’t want to be called out for their bullshit, they also seem to hate everyone the world obviously they should not be trusted so many of them will turn to dogs because they stick with anyone as long you provide food for them. They expect you like their smelly mutt and shame you for not being an animal lover if you don’t want dogs coming to you but actually dogs aren’t even natural animals they are mutant. If someone say they love animals and hate everyone else you should tell them to go live inside a forest like snow white with other animals and see how they will survive one day. I don’t trust People who don’t have empathy for others. It’s okay to like or dislike whatever you want but respect boundaries and people privacy and can’t force your lifestyle on others like sorta of a cult. I have a cat i like my cat it’s cute but i’m aware it’s a cat and i don’t make imaginary scenarios in my mind like calling myself a mother or buy clothes and assume what they think or say and believe in the delusion and many pet owners have went to far with delusion mostly dog nutters because they take their dogs everywhere and also many attacks happened that cause dead and permanent disfigure and they will still find excuses to defend the mutt always trying to blame it on someone like oh the dog was abused or not trained or provoked which is bullshit. Dogs always target prey that seem easy to destroy that’s why they also live as a group because they can’t survive on their own compared to other animal that have a pride and won’t go hurt a child or anyone who see like easy prey. For more than 30 years the media mostly in America sold us how perfect dogs are but actually they have to many flaws and you won’t find bad stuff on internet unless you do deep searching because they make billions of money from the owners and sold pseudoscience. There is no unconditional love because they won’t be there in first place if you don’t provide and it’s okay to think like that. People can do whatever they want but just leave peace and comfort to others because here in America there is to much dog barking and threats that children are scared to play outside and the poor mail and delivery men always targeted because in many dogs mind they own every territory and the problem is how people defend them no matter what it’s so problematic repeating the same cult sentences over and over.

    • You’re the hypocrite here, you damn human. I’m ashamed to be your species. Therefore, I’ll always choose animals over humans.

    • 100% agreed. Many, if not most, animal lovers are narcissistic misanthropes who stick to pets because animals can be controlled and manipulated, and will always accept the owner no matter how shitty they are. They cannot develop any meaningful relationships with other human beings because other humans won’t tolerate their bullshit and can’t be controlled the way pets can. I’ve observed that many “animal lovers” are actually anti-social psychopaths at heart.

  33. You are not convincing anyone with your opinion based nonsense you try to pretend are facts. People with dogs are disgusting, dogs are vile creatures, if any human behaved like a dog in public they would be taken to a lunatic asylum.

    • You can say that pets aren’t for you without shitting on the LGBT community, you know? (people who are just living their lives and don’t affect you at all)

  34. i don’t trust people that love animals, whenever an incident involving a human and an animal these people always side with the animal, news report on dog attacks on humans are always trying to gaslight and victim blame the human

    • You are so sad, disturbed and all of you sociopaths need help. Every one serial killer had one thing in common- killing and abusing animals. Sociopaths don’t kill them but just people in the comment, hate them and dislike them in unhealthy amount.
      Animals live in backyards freaks and no one is forcing them in home, l speak for us who do LOVE animals because we do have empathy. You will never understand that love and kidness because you are selfish, materialistic haters who hate everything and everyone .
      So l advise you to be a better person , because it is a shame you didn’t evolve past animals (which are so better than you ignorant sad haters)
      This world is gross.

    • Also you seem obsessed with your animal(s). I’d much rather spend time with people who value other people and HR rather than someone who is obsessed with their pets.

  35. I have cows, horses, dogs, one cat, fish, chickens & occasionally rabbits & ducks. I dislike animals generally but I realize their usefulness for food & other things. The cat is just to eat the mice, otherwise I would never tolerate the ripped screens, scratch marks everywhere, putrid urine smell, observing them tear defenseless small animals apart as they slowly die in agony, etc. Dogs are for security, even though it’s disgusting watching my female doberman feast on her own puppies. Cows are there for meat & milk, even though they love trampling their calfs to death & they enjoy breaking their own legs or committing suicide by consistently getting freaked out about things they see everyday, like a corral or a truck. The horses are there to ride & care for the cows, although they stink horrendously & like biting chunks out of my $600 saddles. Chickens are the worst: they are absolutely evil creatures & will kill whatever they see, including their own chicks and my toes. They’re all cannibals.

    If all those pet owners out there knew more about how animals truly are, they wouldn’t like them much either. Pets only refrain from eating their owners because they enjoy getting fed.

  36. Likewise, as someone who is indifferent at best on animals, this article makes me want to vomit. Animal lovers are frighten me and pet culture largely makes my skin crawl.

  37. I am here to disagree on this article. I don’t like animals. I don’t hate them, just don’t prefer pets. I am mostly indifferent to them. That doesn’t make me a bad human being. Basically if I see a dog who ended up falling in a drain, I would definitely save him but tht doesn’t mean I want to take him home with me. So, basically I can be a cynical person but that does not make me a bad person.

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