I Am HR - Laurie Ruettimann Ebook

I AM HR.jpgAs I was doing research for my new ebook, I learned some interesting statistics about how CEOs feel about human resources professionals.

  1. 42 percent of business leaders think that HR is either underperforming or just getting by
  2. 45 percent think HR isn’t ready to tackle basic tasks such as performance management, succession planning and e-learning
  3. 47 percent feel like their companies don’t have a good handle on data related to the HR function

To be fair, those numbers represent how executives feel — and feelings aren’t fact.

  1. I feel like Ryan Gosling would be a perfect husband for me.
  2. I feel like I am a pretty good dancer.
  3. I feel like I can hold my liquor.

Just because you feel something doesn’t make it true.

And if human resources professionals were failing on a daily basis, wouldn’t companies also fail?

I think HR needs to break stereotypes, reclaim the function, and steer the conversation back to data and facts. I hope you download “I Am HR: 5 Strategic Ways to Break Stereotypes and Reclaim HR.”

You are the living, breathing embodiment of everything that is good and right in human resources. And it’s time for you to shine!