I’ve been working hard with the RepCap team to get the HR Books website up and running. We are close. I didn’t want you to enter the first weekend in February without the official #HRBookClub selections.

We’ll be reading Year of Yes: How to Dance It Out, Stand In the Sun and Be Your Own Person by Shonda Rhimes. It’s African-American History Month, and Ms. Rhimes is changing the way we see women and people of color on TV. Her stories are intersectional, much like the work we do in human resources, and you will enjoy this book.

The second book is A Chance In This World: An Orphan Boy, a Mysterious Past, and How He Found a Place Called Home by Steve Pemberton. He’s the current Chief HR Officer at Globoforce and the former diversity officer at Walgreens. Globoforce is my client, but they are not sponsoring this book. I liked it, and you should read it. Mr. Pemberton’s autobiography covers topics like foster care, abuse, education, and identity through the lens of his life. His success is nothing short of a miracle, and the story is very inspirational.

So, there you have it. Two official books for February’s #HRBookClub. Read one, read both, and join me on February 28th to discuss the books. More on that soon. And I want to thank the RepCap team, including Kelsey Gallagher, for working hard to turn readers into leaders.

Everything is coming up Milhouse!