I’m known for giving direct feedback and advice. Doesn’t always feel good to hear it. However, if you ask for my thoughts, I’m not gonna waste your time. On the other hand, I don’t take feedback very well unless it comes from people who hate me or rivals. Neither constituency has a vested interest in propping up my ego, which is why the comments are always honest.
Last week, I sent out a survey to friends and asked them for input on how I can monetize Let’s Fix Work.
(You can take it here. I’m like — should I do an e-course? Coaching? How about a revenue share?)
Over the years, I’ve learned that my colleagues have a different feedback style than mine. Buried in their gentle praise and encouragement? The truth. Takes a while to get there, and I’m impatient, which is why I sent the survey to people who don’t like me — fellow HR bloggers, rival speakers, consultants who are in my industry but talk shit about me — and asked for their honest insights, too.
One of them picked up the phone and said, “Laurie, why are you wasting my time with this shit? Finish your book, get connected with speakers bureaus, and go big. Television networks, NPR, a regular column in USA Today. Then it’s time to write your memoir.”
And immediately I regretted asking for feedback.
He said, “Remember when you wrote about running, food, your cats, and travel? Remember when you wrote about your family? We tolerate HR and ‘Let’s Fix Work’ to get to the good stuff.”
Thank you, I’m dead. Are you sure you wouldn’t buy an e-course from me?
“There is a business model for e-courses and online coaching. But that’s not your model. And you’re three years behind the market, anyway.”
Whoa, okay, fabulous.
“You’re sitting on a million dollar business of being yourself. Get your head right, level-up, and go all in on your life. Tell us those stories. What are you waiting for?”
Hm. I guess was waiting for this conversation.
So, that felt great. But I’m finalizing the Let’s Fix Work proposal, this week, and not creating an online curriculum to help you land your dream job. And that’s fine because awesome women like JT O’Donnell, Alison Green and Cy Wakeman are on that path.
You gotta love feedback from people who are detached from your drama. The best advice you can receive is a collection of wise words from someone who doesn’t give a shit. While it doesn’t feel good to be on the receiving end of pragmatic feedback, it’s good to know there are people in the world who will give-it-to-me-straight so I can continue to do that for you.
That’s what my entire career is all about.
I love how you write. Your number one fan from Nigeria! I bet you probably didn”t think your blog has followers here… What’s your feedback?
Fabulous. Seriously, I have been told I am harsh multiple times in my career when in fact I am simply being direct. And, your article served as direct feedback to me — I need to own myself and be myself — who cares what anyone else here in rural NH thinks? I’ve never liked it here anyway!