Grand Cayman Ritz Carlton

Grand Cayman Ritz Carlton

I am about to keynote a fun event in Grand Cayman for the second year in a row. It’s probably one of the best HR conferences I’ve ever attended because it helped to shape my thinking on the subject of strategy. Your CEO has a coach. Your CFO has a mentor. They have someone who has helped them learn the game.

I think HR professionals need an advisor who can speak with specificity and help them break stereotypes. So that’s what I am doing in Grand Cayman. I am giving my colleagues a roadmap.

I know there are 1,000 human resources professionals out there who are smarter, faster, and have better insights. But those chumps have real jobs. Actually, that’s not true. There are dozens of practitioners and advisors who do speak. They don’t make fancy lists, but they are great.

One of my friends, Tim Sackett, is a phenomenal speaker. I saw him deliver a workshop in Toronto and I almost walked out in protest. It’s not fair when someone is white, male, educated, runs a profitable recruiting business AND is a great speaker.

Ladies lined up after his event to hug him. Nobody hugs me. Can’t I have one thing?!

There are more people just like Tim. They work hard at full-time jobs and speak on the side.

If you want great HR speakers at your next event, I would suggest that you skip some of the “best HR speaker” lists and look to folks like Madeline Laurano, Meg Bear, Lois Melbourne, Cheryl Swirnow, Lorna Hagen, Carmen Hudson, Naomi Bloom, Gretchen Alarcon, Sue Marks, Leighanne Levensaler, Susan Strayer LaMotte, Mike Carden, Steve Parker, Lars Schmidt, Rob Catalano, Mike Hard, Dustin Cann, Don MacPherson, Paul Hebert, Chip Luman, Josh Schwede and Mark Fogel.

Great people. All on LinkedIn. Authentic and smart. They aren’t in this for the hustle.

Now excuse me while I hustle my way down to Grand Cayman!


  1. Hi Laurie!

    Thanks for this. It’s helpful to have some insight on who is willing, ready and able to speak – and is GOOD at it.

    I’ve seen both Lars Schmidt and Paul Hebert speak, and agree they are great!

    Thanks for sharing and have fun in Grand Cayman!


  2. Laurie,

    I can’t tell you how much I missed you. Glad you’re back and good luck with your speaking engagement today. Remote hugs!


  3. I’m honored to be included among such esteemed company! Deciding that I would occasionally leave my cube and speak at conferences was one of the best career decisions I ever made.

    But no one’s ever hugged me. That would be cool.

    You’re awesome. Thank you. Crush it at RecruitDC!

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