Hey, everybody. It’s my birthday weekend. I’ll be 42 on Sunday. That’s 21. Twice. What an accomplishment, right? Wanna get crunk? Want to do shots?
Yeah, man. That sounds great. I’m right behind you.
But, first, my annual birthday appeal. I’ve asked you to make a donation to Hustle Up the Hancock every year for the past four years. It’s my fifth year, and I’d love your support.
What’s Hustle Up the Hancock? Well, I run up 94 floors to fight lung diseases like cancer, asthma, and COPD. I hustle up those stairs for every kid who gets hooked on cigarettes. I hustle for adults with asthma inhalers who wish they could run but cannot. And I hustle for people with COPD and lung cancer who need millions of dollars of medical intervention just to stay alive.
Last year, a friend of mine from elementary school passed away right before Hustle Up the Hancock. She was forty-one years old and died from complications due to lung cancer treatment. She was a mother, a runner, and she was at the top of her health when she went to the doctor to complain of nagging back pain after a car accident.
Less than a year later, she was dead.
Hustle Up the Hancock is ultra-personal to me. I will hustle up those stairs for as long as I’m able to do it, and I would love an appreciate your support. A donation of $5 would mean the world to me on my birthday. Thanks again for your help.
PS – If you are sick of these annual appeals, why don’t you donate to my friend Dominique Rodgers? She’s doing the hustle for the first time, and she would welcome your support.