Last night, I went to see a comedian perform a live podcast at a local theater.

I know that sentence won’t make sense to future generations who read my blog, but, hey, future generations won’t be reading blogs. They barely read them now.

The comedian sold books. I bought one and asked my husband to take a photo before the show started. Some random woman behind me said, “Oh yeah, you’ve got to get a shot with the book.”

I was like bless your heart.

She looked up from scrolling on Instagram to insult me. I didn’t know whether to comment on the irony or offer up my handle.

It’s @lruettimann. Here’s the photo.


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Somebody gave me the gift of having my Instagram account evaluated by a professional marketing guru, which is precisely what I wanted for my birthday, and it’s the best gift of all because I’m killing it.

I am killing it. Woo.

It’s good to learn that my account doesn’t suck. Except there were two areas where my account could improve.

The first? I need to do ten stories a day. Yes, ten. Is there science behind that? Probably not. Will I annoy people? Sure, but I already annoy people now. I’ve got a book to push in 2020. Prepare yourself, folks, by hitting the mute button.

The second recommendation? Do more IGTV. These are videos beyond a minute in length, and, apparently, this is Zuckerberg’s plan for domination in 2020. I wish him luck. That kid needs it.

So, it looks like I’ll be taking more photos of books and offering up fresh minute-plus video content in the next year—to the dismay of that lady in seat H9 behind me who thinks selfie culture is too excessive while liking selfies on her private IG account.

Human beings are terrible, but they are my audience. Let’s hope I can make them my fans in the upcoming year. Wish me luck with my Instagram strategies in 2020 and beyond!