let's fix work by laurie ruettimannAbout the Talk:

For all the talk of the “Great Resignation,” people seem to forget that job satisfaction numbers were low for over a decade, and employees were sabotaging their workplaces and careers before COVID. Companies have always found that most of their efforts to boost morale are ineffective, and workers never seem to connect the dots between employee investments and productivity. Workplace expert Laurie Ruettimann has been at the forefront of workplace issues for a decade, and now she takes on the dirty secret of job dissatisfaction, holds it up to the light of day, and provides practical, honest advice for moving beyond the negatives. In this fresh, authentic talk, Ruettimann gives employers both the tools and opportunity to turn workplace dissatisfaction around.  



Leaders, managers, supervisors, employees, contractors


Workplace Application: 

Teaching managers to create a culture where people stay.  


Learning Objectives:

-Attendees will be able to teach the four components of self-leadership to their workforce. When workers express self-leadership, they fix work on their own by fostering a culture of accountability and responsibility. 

-Audience members will recognize and identify the primary experiences of happy employees and explore how to implement those significant career strategies into their workers’ lives.

-People will walk away with three ways to create a culture of wellbeing in a world where so many of those programs fail.


