Let me make a quick recommendation: if you’re running a marathon, try not to travel.

If you’re going to travel, try to stay healthy.

And if you can’t stay healthy, don’t catch a cold with a thick cough.

But if you have a cold and cough, try not to catch it while you’re also recovering from jet lag.

So that’s a lot. Let’s say you fail at all of that. Try not to feel sorry for yourself and wonder why you’re such a failure, and nobody loves you in life.

Yeah. That was my week, last week. Of course, I’m not a failure. My body was knackered by the extremes in time zones and food. And the cold and cough just pushed me over the edge. I had to cancel two days of meetings, which is unheard of in my line of work. I just didn’t have the energy to sit on the phone and pay attention to someone else’s line of thought.

I could barely pay attention to my cats.

I tried to stick to some semblance of an exercise schedule because nothing makes me feel better than whining through a workout but completing it. I managed some short runs while in India and then again over the weekend, but nothing pretty.

Thankfully, this upcoming week offers all kinds of opportunities to reboot and feel better. And if the weather holds up in North Carolina, I’ll be able to run at the beach.

I’m looking forward to getting back on track. But if I ever run another marathon, I’m clearing my calendar and not traveling for twelve weeks. Going around the world is a privilege, but it’s also a major inconvenience. You relinquish control of your schedule. People demand a “performance of a lifetime” when they pay for your time. And it’s tough to stay hydrated, sleep properly and eat while also working long hours and remaining mentally sharp.

Lesson learned.

Too bad I’m on the docket in six cities over the next ten weeks.