There is no easy way to write this. We euthanized Scrubby on Monday evening. There is no good time to intervene and say goodbye, but the actual euthanasia was peaceful. I held him in my arms. My husband rubbed his ears. Once he was gone, we cried and spent some time with his body.
It was hard to say goodbye, but Scrubby was very brave. I wanted to be brave, too.
I have been trying to keep all of this private and off the internet. It’s been a horrible few months, and I lack the vocabulary to describe my feelings. I wish I could crawl under the covers and sleep for a week, but that’s not how adulthood works. So I stumbled my way through Tuesday and Wednesday without an elegant or graceful way of discussing Scrubby’s death. And there were a few times when I nearly broke down in public and cried.
For example, I was hosting a live CareerBuilder video chat on Tuesday afternoon. Scrubby was barely dead. Steve Browne’s audio was jacked. I kept fumbling my lines and misreading the screen. And I forgot to unplug my landline and the phone rang. It was the pet crematorium, and I could hear them leaving a message on my answering machine. They wanted to know how I would like to handle Mister Scrubby’s remains.
If you go back and watch the video, you can see the look of bewilderment on my face. Do I answer the phone? Do I interrupt the show and announce to the internet that my cat is dead? Do I just go about my business and pretend that Scrubby is alive?
I just tried to roll with it. I channeled my inner Carrier Underwood and thought, “Jesus, take the wheel!”
Many of you have been reading my blogs for over a decade. You’ve known Scrubby since the moment we rescued him. In some weird way, Scrubby was our collective pee cat. So thank you for always asking about him—at HR conferences, in public bathrooms, on airplanes—or just indulging my cat stories simply because you love me.
Your kindness means a great deal to me, and I appreciate it.
I am so sorry for your loss, Laurie. Our furry kids wriggle into our hearts, and when they leave us, it is absolutely gut wrenching. Carry on the best you can … and if others don’t get it … They know the rest of the phrase!
Thanks, Gary.
so sorry laur
My heart breaks for yours. I’m so sorry for your loss.
Thanks, Andy.
Laurie, very sorry to hear. I know the feeling.
Thanks, Sharlyn.
Laurie, I’m so sorry for your loss. Scrubs was a beautiful kitty and loved by so many people. He will be missed. Hugs to you and Ken.
Thanks, April.
Laurie – So sorry for your loss. Our pets are our children whether your a dog person, cat person, or any other animal. Making that decision is never easy. However, Mr. Scrubby is in heaven looking down on you and thanking you for giving him peace. BTW – I was listening to that Web Chat and heard the phone ringing. However, I never once noticed that you were upset in anyway.
Thanks, Michael.
I’m so sorry for your loss, Laurie. 🙁 I know there aren’t any words that can help right now. It sucks…hang in there.
Thanks, Matt.
It is so crushingly heartbreaking to lose a family member.
Sometimes it’s a small blessing to be busy after such a horrible loss, but oh, wouldn’t it be great to just hit the pause button on life for a few days so you can process this.
I’m keeping you and Ken and all of Scrubby’s siblings close in my heart.
Thanks, VK.
I’m so sorry about sweet Scrubby. He was lucky that you rescued him and gave him a good life. Take care.
Thanks, Leah.
You held it together like a champ.
RIP Mister Scrubby
Thanks, Natalie.
I was heartbroken to hear of Scrubby’s passing. But I’m also so glad he was rescued from his beginnings and got to lead a life well lived and well loved.
Thanks, Patrick.
Laurie, I’m so, so sorry about Scrubby. He was so loved and nothing anyone can say will make you “feel better” right now.
Just know there are a bunch of marginally sane cat ladies out here on the internet who love you, and are sending you prayers and positive thoughts right now.
Thanks, Kelly.
I am so sorry. Scrubby was so very lucky to have your love. Hugs.
Thanks, Kelly.
Laurie – I am so sorry… even though there are no words that can describe the sorrow or provide any comfort, know that many people are thinking about you and comforting you in their thoughts.
Thanks, Nicole.
So sorry for the loss of Scrubby. Thinking of you.
Thanks, Sarah.
I’m so sorry. No matter what, it’s always too soon to say goodbye. Rest in peace, Mister Scrubby. You are so very loved.
Thanks, Renee.
I’m so sorry for your loss
thanks, jim.
Hugs for you! It’s good to unburden and get it out. You’ll see Scrubby again at the Rainbow bridge.
thanks, julie.
Laurie, I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. You’re in my thoughts.
thanks, lisa r.
So sorry for your loss!
Thanks, Stephanie.
Sad for Scrubby’s loss.
My sincere condolences, please take your time to grieve.
Thanks, Yvette.
So sorry Laurie. Hugs to both you and Ken.
Thanks, Michele.
My heart goes out to you and Ken! I’ll spare you the clichés but I will say that you are a special cat lady and Mr. Scrubs was loves like he deserved to be loved….now and always!! (((HUGS)))
Thanks, Lisa.
Scrubby will be missed, but he was truly loved. Thinking of you, Ken and your family.
Thanks, Jennifer.
Dear Laurie,
I am so sorry for your loss. Sending you and yours warm sympathy and the hope that the love you share with this sweet boy, as well as knowing many people care about you and share your loss will hold you in a warm hug of comfort. My heart and thoughts are with you.
Thank you, Shahrzad.
So sorry to hear about Scrubby. As a fellow cat lady, it was fun to read about his escapades. Sending you and Ken hugs.
Thank you, Jennifer.
I’ve already posted on your Facebook but I’ll do so again here as well since this is where I first found you and was introduced to the most awesome ginger pee cat in the world. You were brave this past week, facing the world, far more brave than me when I had to put my last pet to rest.
Mr. Scrubby now has the most fantastic rafters anywhere in which to hide, pee and cause general havoc. He was seriously loved. Big pet mama (and daddy) hugs to you both.
Thanks, Simone.
I’m so sorry, Laurie. Thank you for always sharing your love for Scrubby.
Thanks, Des.
Hey, just wanted to say, I went through the same thing a few years back, and my heart goes out to you. Hang in there. It hurts for a long time, but I’m sure you gave him a great life. That was one of the few things that gave me a little solace, so I hope it helps.
Thanks, Lorien.
I’m only just now seeing this. I am a horrible stalker. 🙁
I am so sorry for your loss, Laurie. Thank you for sharing Mister Scrubby with us and letting us love him with you. I hope you’ll let us mourn with you, too.
Rest In Peace Mister Scrubby.
Thanks, Melissa.