I want you to consider reframing impostor syndrome.

In today’s achievement-oriented world, where work constantly pushes us to brag, impostor syndrome is common. Many of us feel inadequate, fearing we’ll be exposed as frauds despite our accomplishments.

Typical advice is to boost self-esteem, celebrate achievements, and remind ourselves of our worth. But what if this advice misses the mark? The real solution might lie in understanding the link between impostor syndrome and narcissism and reframing our experiences through service-oriented leadership.

Impostor syndrome and narcissism both center the self in unhealthy ways. Narcissism inflates our sense of importance, while impostor syndrome deflates it. The focus remains on ourselves. We must shift our perspective outward and embrace a service mindset to tackle impostor syndrome. By doing so, we can decenter our insecurities and find fulfillment in the growth and success of those around us.

The Spectrum of Self-Centered Behaviors

Impostor syndrome and narcissism might seem worlds apart, but they share a common thread: an unhealthy preoccupation with oneself. On one end, impostor syndrome manifests as self-doubt and fear of exposure. On the other, narcissism is characterized by grandiosity and an insatiable need for admiration. Both conditions exist on a spectrum of self-centered behaviors, with one being a deflated sense of self and the other an inflated one.

Understanding this spectrum helps us see that while the manifestations differ, the core issue remains the same—an inward focus distorting our self-perception and interactions with others.

The Misguided Modern Advice

Modern advice often suggests combating impostor syndrome by boosting self-esteem and accumulating achievements. We’re told to remind ourselves of our successes, seek external validation, and celebrate every win. While these strategies can offer temporary relief, they often reinforce “self-focus,” perpetuating impostor syndrome.

When we focus solely on boosting our self-image, we risk becoming trapped in a cycle of seeking validation and fearing exposure. This approach keeps the spotlight on us, amplifying our insecurities and maintaining the cycle of self-doubt.

Reframing Through the Lens of Others

Instead of centering ourselves, what if we shifted our focus outward? Enter service-oriented leadership. This leadership philosophy emphasizes serving others, prioritizing their needs, and fostering their growth. By adopting a service-oriented mindset, we can decenter our insecurities and find fulfillment in uplifting those around us.

When we focus on the needs and growth of others, our attention naturally shifts away from our self-doubt. We see our role as part of a larger mission, contributing to the success and well-being of our colleagues and community. This outward focus alleviates the pressure we place on ourselves and fosters a more supportive and collaborative environment.

Practical Steps to Step Into Service

Here are some actionable steps to start integrating service-oriented leadership into your daily life:

  1. Practice Empathy: Actively listen to others and try to understand their perspectives and feelings. Empathy helps build strong, trusting relationships and shifts the focus away from your insecurities.
  2. Support Others: Make a conscious effort to help your colleagues succeed. Offer your assistance, share your knowledge, and celebrate their achievements. Investing in others’ growth makes you naturally feel less isolated and more connected.
  3. Share Credit: Acknowledge your team’s contributions and give credit where it’s due. By celebrating collective success, you diminish the need to prove your individual worth.
  4. Reflect on Impact: Regularly reflect on how your actions benefit others and the larger community. It can help you see your positive impact, reinforcing a sense of purpose and reducing self-doubt.
  5. Mentorship: Take on a mentorship role, guiding and supporting someone less experienced. It helps them grow and strengthens your knowledge and sense of competence.

Take the First Step

Impostor syndrome often traps us in a cycle of self-doubt and fear. By understanding it as a corollary to narcissism, we see that the solution isn’t just about boosting self-esteem but about shifting our focus outward. Embracing service-oriented leadership allows us to decenter ourselves and find fulfillment in the growth and success of others.

As we shift our perspective from self-focused to service-oriented, we break free from the chains of impostor syndrome. This week, I challenge you to implement one service-oriented practice in your work or personal life. Notice how it changes your mindset and its impact on those around you.

By reframing our experiences and focusing on serving others, we can move away from hyperfixating on our deflated sense of self and towards a more fulfilling and balanced approach to life and work.