Whether you need to fine-tune your HR tech strategy, navigate career changes, or launch a podcast, my services are designed to help you solve real problems at a reasonable price.

I’ve spent my career challenging the status quo and making work better for everyone. Now, I’m offering that expertise to you. Ready to get unstuck and move forward? Here’s how we can work together.

Technology Product or Service Discussion for #HRTech and #WorkTech Organizations

In this 50-minute session, we’ll analyze your product, identify opportunities, and craft a strategic plan for success. Perfect for companies ready to elevate their efforts and take results to the next level.
Book your session

Content and Social Media Amplification

Looking to amplify your product or service through targeted content and social media exposure? We’ll discuss your needs and create a custom strategy to boost visibility and engagement with your target audience.
Contact me for details

Executive Coaching

Tailored for leaders looking to refine decision-making, improve strategic thinking, and foster self-leadership. Together, we’ll work on making you happier and more effective personally and professionally. Your employer will often pay for this, so let’s discuss it. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation to see how we can work together.
Schedule a consultation

“I Need a Job” Coaching

This four-session coaching package is designed for professionals at all stages of their careers up to the Senior Director level. It includes personalized coaching and my behind-the-scenes work on optimizing your resume, communication strategy, and positioning. Together, we’ll ensure you’re fully prepared to find the right job—not just any job.
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“Start a New Podcast” Coaching

In this 50-minute session, I’ll help you define your niche, launch your first episode, and set up a sustainable plan for success. Whether you’re just starting or refining an existing podcast, we’ll cover everything you need to know.
Get started

“Becoming a Consultant” Coaching

Ready to leap into consulting? Not so fast. In this one-time 50-minute session, we’ll discuss branding, client acquisition, pricing, and more—giving you the tools to build a successful consulting practice.
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“My Career Sucks” Session

This one-time, 50-minute session is for anyone feeling stuck or unsure about their next steps. Let’s solve specific problems and create a clear plan to move forward.
Let’s talk

“I Just Got Laid Off” Session

If you’ve lost your job in the past six months, this one-time, 50-minute session offers immediate support and actionable advice to stabilize and plan your next steps. Note: This session is provided depending on my availability. All proceeds go to charity.
Price: $25 donation to charity
Book your session

Ready to Work Together?

If you’re ready to take the next step in fixing work, improving your career, or making a fundamental change in your organization, I’m here to help. Let’s work together to make things better. These prices are valid through December 31, 2024.

Work with me