Two of the nicest, most authentic HR people I know are Sabrina Baker and Charlie Judy. I met them both through IL SHRM.
Sabrina Baker runs Acacia HR Solutions, which is a real business. I love a woman who’s a business owner and a human resources expert. I have no idea how she finds time to blog, too. By the way, HR bloggers tend to beat a dead horse. Some bloggers write about incentives, others try to lay claim to the “trench HR” beat, and still others want to write about leadership. Sabrina Baker writes a blog that is varied and interesting. She writes about careers, the professional development of HR, the economy, veterans, and HR professionals who work with small business leaders. I read her blog daily, and I barely read anything daily.
Charlie Judy is a boss in all ways possible. Have you heard the term trench HR? Charlie Judy didn’t invent it, but he made it his own on his blog. Charlie is a former CHRO turned entrepreneur. He has a perspective of how things work in the field, so to speak, and his blog reflects an honest passion for making HR less complicated. Charlie is also one helluva mentor to many HR professionals out there. He always picks up his phone, and he’s the first to ask if you need something. His heart is huge.
While I’m on hiatus, you should check them out.
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