Nobody likes beating up on the Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) more than HR people. If you want to pretend like you’re above it all and strategic, you make fun of SHRM.
And it’s not unfair because SHRM is where HR dreams go to get alphabetically organized in a file folder before they die.
(Wait, wait, I’m teasing. First they go to an ERE conference.)
But seriously, HR nerds, you know you love to make fun of SHRM while simultaneously renewing your overpriced memberships. And that’s fine by me because SHRM is finally starting to catch on that HR isn’t continuously done by human resources or recruiting professionals.
(Sometimes managers fill out payroll change forms, too.)
To that end, SHRM has partnered with awesome people to deliver a webinar to their members. The event is called SHRM Live: 2016 Human Capital Challenges, which could not be a worse title for something that shows such promise.
Shocking everybody, they’ve actually snagged a few good speakers who know a thing or two about the world of work. Marcus Buckingham is talking about leadership, but he’s the only speaker who really gets people excited about working in HR (besides my friend Jennifer McClure). Peter Cappelli will talk about business acumen, but you should pay attention to the way he talks about the economy. And Jen Benz is the foremost expert on benefits, and she’ll be talking about making guacamole — just kidding, she’s there to talk benefits.
SHRM also snagged Danielle Monaghan. I spent a week with her in Cuba, and she is a rock star who can help you meet all of your GPHR certification requirements while teaching you a thing or two about how to carry yourself in this world. She can maneuver through a conversation about business, operations, recruiting and analytics like it’s an art form. I’m officially a stalker, I mean, fan.
So that doesn’t suck at all, even if the lineup includes John Boudreau telling HR professionals that they need to be more strategic.
“Wait, do I need to know the business to do HR? Wow, you have got to be kidding me! Tell me more, you wise guru.”
(Academic dudes with data are the worst kinds of dudes.)
Anyway, this webinar series might do you some good. Someone tape it (or whatever the kids do things on the internet) and get me a copy. I don’t want to spend $49 as a non-member to attend!
I might be biased given that she gave birth to and raised me, but that Danielle Monaghan IS a smart cookie and SHRM is lucky to have her as a speaker.
This doesn’t look like the schedule of the event in the link? Am I connecting to the wrong event (12/9/15 – SHRM Live: 2016 Human Capital Challenges) – it is all SHRM speakers, none of the ones listed in your article?
The speakers shown each have a short written article, but they were not the speakers featured in the 2 1/2 hour SHRM presentation. It was all SHRM speakers speaking on these types of topics. Their links made it pretty confusing!