laurie ruettimann speaking on consumerization of hrAbout the talk:

COVID has changed the consumer experience forever. It would be naive to overlook how it changed work. From streaming services to burgeoning food delivery platforms, people are increasingly dependent on highly personalized consumer journeys in their day-to-day life. Work, much like shopping at a superstore, has evolved beyond a transactional relationship. With the transferability of modern skillsets, employee mobility—and demands for individual career pathing—are high. From recruitment through to performance management, this session will outline how to nurture your employees through their journey at your organization. And drawing on examples from marketing initiatives, we will enable you to promote a culture that values employee happiness and optimizes performance.



HR, HR Technology, Recruiting, Employer Branding


Workplace Application:

Understand how work evolved from a transaction to a highly personalized relationship. Learn how to create a culture where people choose to stay and recommit to your organization daily — even if they’re not co-located with you.


Learning Objectives:

-Attendees will be able to distinguish between 20th-century employment practices and more modern ways of identifying, recruiting, hiring, retaining, training, and motivating five generations of workers in the new economy.

-Audience members will differentiate between older ways of discussing and classifying workforce technology and walk away able to sort the differences between new programs, systems, and tools for the modernized workforce.

-People will walk away with a renewed focus on data, analytics, and the end-users of HR technology—not HR practitioners, but business leaders and workers.


