TFIOS OkayDid you read The Fault in our Stars? Did you see the movie?

(It isn’t Grapes of Wrath, but who wants to read that boring shit, anyway?)

I liked the way “love” and “happiness” were portrayed throughout the novel and movie. While there is an oxytocin-like element to the early stages of romance between Hazel Grace and Augustus, we see two people behaving selflessly and lovingly during very difficult and unhappy times.

For me, that’s marriage.

There are times when your partner will experience emotional or physical pain. There are other times when your spouse will be distracted by work and life (or even cats). When you make a life-long commitment, you recognize that at some point in your marriage — maybe now or maybe twenty years from now — you will be called upon to love more, give more, and contribute more than your partner.

And you make that commitment because you know someone else is making the same commitment to you.

The Fault in our Stars gets pretty close to showing its audience the elegance and complexity of a committed relationship. I think the book and movie resonate with young adults because “love” and “happiness” are shown in a new light compared to many of the fairytale stories out there. Kids get to see the how the values of respect, grace and selflessness pay off in a beautiful — although heartbreaking — way.

(I think that’s why so many adults like the book and movie, too.)

I really enjoyed #TFIOS despite the cancer and heavy storyline. What did you think? Let me know!

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