My name is Laurie Ruettimann, and I’m a Corporate Drinker. I drink because of work, in spite of work, and to escape work. And I bet many of you have, too.

This realization led me to contemplate the complex relationship between work, alcohol, and corporate culture, which ultimately inspired me to create The Corporate Drinker Podcast, a Punk Rock HR production.

Over the years, I’ve noticed a pattern of excessive drinking in the corporate world — and in my own life. It’s become acceptable to indulge in alcohol during work events, conferences, and remote team gatherings. The culture of alcohol consumption has left me wondering about the underlying reasons behind it. Most importantly, I worry about its impact on employees and their communities outside the office.

With the first season of eight episodes set to launch in July 2023, I’m excited to share the conversations with fascinating people from various backgrounds and industries. They’ve opened up about their experiences and insights on the role alcohol plays in their professional lives. And the experience of having these conversations has changed me, too, and I’m excited to talk more about that, too.

What’s on Tap?

Here’s a sneak peek at the topics we’ll be covering in our eight-episode season:

• Who is a Corporate Drinker? Hilarious and Harmless Work Drinking Stories

• The Dark Side of Drinking: Alcohol at the Office, Remote, Hybrid, and Conferences:

• HR and Legal: Navigating Alcohol in the Workplace

• Consulting and Drinking: Unraveling Complicated Relationships with Alcohol

• “Are You Pregnant or LDS?”: Navigating Corporate Culture as a Non-Drinker

• Everybody is Corporate: More Entertaining and Harmless Stories from Corporate-Adjacent Jobs

• Companies Taking Action: Solutions to Fix Corporate Drinking Culture and Create Inclusive Cultures

Who’s This For?

The Corporate Drinker Podcast will resonate with a broad audience of professionals who have pondered the connection between work and alcohol or even contemplated abstaining from drinking because it’s too much. It’s also ideal for managers and leaders to hear true tales from the workforce and implement practical, evidence-based solutions to improve inclusion goals, employee morale, and engagement.

This sponsorship opportunity is perfect for well-being companies, executive coaching practices, or any technology company that wants to be associated with the Punk Rock HR brand and its tens of thousands of listeners and supporters. By underwriting this production, you’ll help create content that can spark meaningful conversations and positively change the corporate world.

Sponsor Us Today

Now that you’ve heard about The Corporate Drinker Podcast, I’m confident you’ll want to help and join the conversation. If you’re interested in sponsorship opportunities or know anyone who’d be a good guest, please reach me through my contact page.

Your support will help us bring these crucial conversations to light and contribute to making a tangible difference in the lives of professionals navigating corporate drinking culture’s challenges. Addressing this topic head-on can create a safer, more inclusive, healthier work environment for everyone.

Throughout this podcast journey, I’ve had the privilege of talking to some incredible people, each with unique stories and perspectives on corporate drinking. I can’t wait for you to hear the finished product. By sharing these experiences, we can create a space for honest dialogue about the role of alcohol in the workplace and inspire change that benefits individuals, organizations, and society.

In a world where the lines between work and personal life continue to blur, it’s more important than ever to examine the impact of corporate drinking culture on our well-being and find ways to make it more sustainable and inclusive for everyone. Through The Corporate Drinker Podcast, we’ll embark on this journey together, exploring the complexities of this issue and uncovering valuable insights that can lead to positive transformation.

And if you’re a fan of Punk Rock HR, don’t worry. We’re live through June 26, 2023 — and will be back at some point in 3Q2023 — to continue talking about how to fix work by fixing yourself first.

That’s what both shows are all about.