Ten years ago, a group of friends in my area made headlines by getting a group vasectomy, which quickly went viral. I know three of those four guys, and they are funny, generous, and passionate about normalizing individual responsibility and healthcare for men. They were truly ahead of their time.

In the United States, vasectomy consultation rates have increased since the Dobbs decision in the US Supreme Court decimated Roe V. Wade and the individual freedom of so many American citizens. That’s why people follow through with vasectomy consultations. And the rates are absolutely increasing, particularly among younger adults and those who wish to remain child-free

Don’t believe me? Nature.com provides a pre-Dobbs vs. post-Dobbs breakdown, revealing a significant uptick in consultations and procedures.

It’s unsurprising, given that America is grappling with inflation driven by corporate greed. Layer in the fact that people struggle to afford housing, access healthcare, and find reasonably priced childcare. Add then factor in the demands placed on professionals to return to pre-COVID routines of long commutes, endless meetings, and constant productivity, all while facing the threat of layoffs.

Babies are always a blessing, but it makes sense that some people may say, “Hard pass.”

So, for those considering a vasectomy, here are some essential details:

What is this Procedure About?

A vasectomy is a surgical procedure for male sterilization or permanent contraception. The process involves cutting, tying, or sealing the vasa deferentia — the tubes that carry sperm from the testicles to the urethra. It prevents sperm from mixing with the semen ejaculated from the penis, rendering a man sterile.

Yes, that paragraph was written by Chat GPT 4 because I am a terrible science communicator.

Who Isn’t a Good Candidate?

Vasectomies can be an excellent choice for many people but may not be suitable for everyone. Potential reasons to avoid a vasectomy include:

  1. Uncertainty about the desire for future children
  2. Medical conditions like bleeding disorders or active infections
  3. Inability to undergo general anesthesia, if required

It’s crucial to consult with a medical professional to determine if a vasectomy is the right choice for you.  

Why It Makes Sense

In a world where personal autonomy is increasingly under threat, it’s only a matter of time before extremists attempt to regulate sperm and prohibit vasectomies. That’s why I’m writing this blog post. Vasectomies offer an intelligent, straightforward way to minimize drama and stress for those who want to remain child-free or whose partners are done giving birth. It was the approach my friends took back in 2013, and they were nothing short of vasectomy vanguards.

Now, more than ever, having a vasectomy seems like a reasonable responsibility for both conservative and progressive people who don’t want anyone telling them how to live their lives. It’s a proactive way to take control of your reproductive choices and ensure a better future for yourself and those around you. 

And now that Roe V. Wade has been overturned, it’s a moral responsibility.