I’m redoing my website.

Like, I’m spending money on it. This isn’t a small decision because redoing a website is a serious investment that will either improve your business or make you look like an AOL knockoff. I don’t want my brand to scream ‘you’ve got mail’.

My team — and it’s truly a team because I paid for it — is doing research on competitors, collaborators, and customers. You see, the website isn’t just design and logos. It’s all about what I say, how I say it, and how much Google juice I can create. So, there’s some thought that will go into creating my positioning statements and messaging.

Whenever I tell people that I’m working on a new website, people say, “You should do more YouTubes and mobile videos.”

Yeah, okay, lemme do more YouTubes.

I know why my friends and colleagues are encouraging me to craft a video strategy. Everybody under the age of 30 is mobile-first and video-friendly. However, I can’t help but look at my computer and think, “I’m too fucking old and tired for video.”

First of all, I can’t see the screen without readers. Who wants to watch me squinting at myself? Nobody and my Google analytics will prove that. Second of all, it’s undignified to watch a grown-ass lady have a conversation with herself about shit that is not very important.

“Why is this old lady talking to herself on the screen? She needs therapy.”

And, honestly, recording a video is hard work and doesn’t come naturally to a Gen Xer like me. Just yesterday, I tried to make a video about my coaching course and tell the story of how I took a simple risk on myself in 2004 that keeps paying off today. But I couldn’t get through the video without suffering from gallbladder-surgery-related heartburn.

Heartburn! On video! Holy hell!


I’m known for taking risks and doing fun things with my career, but I’m going to pass on crafting a video strategy for my new brand and website. And you know what? Nobody will notice. The world is fine with my decision. And I can keep my dignity.


1 Comment

  1. This isn’t where I thought you were going to go with this one. I don’t mind making videos (probably because I worked in TV, so it’s not a big deal), but I don’t want to WATCH them. I’m Gen X. My Gen Z kids get most of their online content in video form. I hate going to a news site and there’s video. I can read faster than they can talk. I hate looking for software help and then getting a video. But maybe this isn’t a Gen X thing. Maybe it’s just a me thing.

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