I’ve been trying to write a follow-up on the #MeToo movement for Vox. It’s been a struggle to write about what’s next because I don’t know what will happen.

I’m not optimistic.

In my original article on Vox, I called out Uber’s HR department for its mistreatment of Susan Fowler. It’s a year old. We updated the piece when the #MeToo movement gained traction in late 2017 and doubled-down on the notion that HR fails employees across America.

Since my piece in Vox appeared, I’ve been all over the media talking about sexual harassment. Recently, I’ve been warned to stop writing about specific HR leaders and companies. When I call out people and companies, I’m jeopardizing my career and my finances.

I might risk my safety, too.

Influential people hate bloggers who meddle in the affairs of billion-dollar companies, which is intimidating and scary. I’m not Norma Rae, and, while I’d like to pretend that my blogging matters, it doesn’t. No post is worth more than my life.

Safety concerns aside, I’m struggling to write a follow-up article on the #MeToo movement because it doesn’t feel like much has changed. For starters, there’s a lot of talk about workplace harassment and zero tolerance policies; however, I don’t know a single executive who’s been fired from a major corporation for sexual harassment since Harvey Weinstein was outed as a monster.

Do you?

I know some lower-level dudes who have been put on notice for inappropriate conduct. Unfortunately, they wonder why they’re targeted while other leaders get to keep their jobs. HR picks off the rotten, low-hanging fruit but fails to cut down the diseased tree.

Also, I know zero women who have been promoted to positions of power or received wage adjustments because executives woke up and tackled institutional sexism. Sure, some woman took Al Franken’s spot in the U.S. Senate; however, did you get a promotion? How many women were on your board of directors before Weinstein was outed? How many are on there, today?

I’m also hesitant to write about what’s next for #MeToo because we need about 40 years to understand what just happened. We barely understand the lessons and the cost of the Vietnam War, and most of the experiences are tragic in retrospect.

What’s next for #MeToo? I have no idea.

My editor is waiting for my next piece, but I’m not rushing to publish another article in my name. I don’t have any answers. Also, I’m trying to avoid drawing the ire of powerful men. So, because of my self-preservationist instincts, I’m not rushing to publish. And I know one thing: I’m not the spokesperson this movement deserves.