About the Talk:

The world of work has changed, and job seekers demand more from their managers and supervisors. It’s not enough to send people to HR when employees are actively disengaged or sabotaging workplace relationships. Managers must boost their own HR game and become 21st-century people leaders. Workplace expert Laurie Ruettimann has been at the forefront of workplace issues for a decade, and now she has a challenge for managers to address lagging employee experience numbers: become a new version of HR.

In this fresh, authentic talk, Ruettimann gives managers both the responsibility and opportunity to turn workplace dissatisfaction around.


Managers, supervisors, executives, emerging leaders

Workplace Application:

Leaders who supervise people will understand how HR is no longer just for human resources teams.

Learning Objectives:

-Attendees will be able to apply the definition of HR to their jobs. When managers accept some of the responsibility of human resources, they fix work by fostering a culture of accountability and responsibility.

-Audience members will recognize and identify the primary experiences of happy employees and explore how to implement those significant career strategies by modeling modern HR practices.

-People will walk away with three ways to create a culture of wellbeing and satisfaction that goes beyond the traditional perception of management.

