Laurie has dedicated decades to revolutionizing the world of work through her candid storytelling, innovative solutions, and passion for driving better employment experiences. As a former human resources leader, she devoted her career to increasing employee retention rates and improving job satisfaction by challenging the status quo and empowering change.

From HR Leader to Influential Author, Speaker, and Entrepreneur

Laurie’s journey began in 1995 as an HR assistant at Leaf Candy Company, where she tackled the challenges of a heavily unionized manufacturing environment staffed by immigrants from war-torn Bosnia. Her career took her to notable organizations like Monsanto, Alberto-Culver, Kemper Insurance, and Pfizer. Frustrated with outdated workplace practices, Laurie left corporate America to focus on speaking truth to power through writing, speaking, and advising.

CNN recognized Laurie as one of the top five career advisors in the United States in 2009, and her work has been featured in renowned publications such as NPR, The New Yorker, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, and Vox. She is also the author of the critically acclaimed book Betting On You: How to Put Yourself First and (Finally) Take Control of Your Career, published by Henry Holt & Company in January 2021.

Driving Change Through Self-Leadership and Individual Accountability

Laurie Ruettimann believes in the power of self-leadership and individual accountability to shape the future of work. Through her writing, speaking, and podcasting, Laurie seeks to inspire change in workplace cultures that support, empower, and engage workers meaningfully.

Personal Life & Passion for Advocacy

Laurie lives in Raleigh, NC, with her husband and cats, where she continues to push for innovative solutions that benefit everyone — individuals, managers, employers, and organizations. Beyond her professional accomplishments, Laurie fiercely advocates for reproductive freedom, animal rights, and a more equitable and inclusive world.

Punk Rock HR Podcast

A Sought-After Keynote Speaker & Renowned Podcaster

Laurie’s dynamic and engaging keynote speeches have taken her to events and conferences around the globe, covering topics like HR, hiring trends, and technology. Her podcast, Punk Rock HR, has quickly become one of the fastest-growing management and business podcasts on platforms like iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, and Pandora.

Speaking Punk Rock HR

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by following her on social media and subscribing to her newsletter.

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Together, let’s fix the world of work.