shoe dryer

I know I’m running because I’m spending money.

My newest purchase? This PEET dryer for my shoes. Oh my god, my friend Sara told me about it and she’s right: it’s a game changer. My shoes smell better and less moldy already.

shoe dryer

(Yes, moldy. It’s hot down here in the summer.)

I also single-white-femaled Sara and bought her running watch, too. My old watch had about a two-hour battery life. This one syncs with the training app used with my coach, but it doesn’t sync with the equipment at Lifetime Fitness.

I’m happy with it, though.

tomtom watch

As I start to increase my mileage, I’ll probably start to increase my spending. Honestly, it’s a privilege to have the time and money to train for another marathon. Sure, it’s free to run. You can do a race without the gadgets and the additional training. But I haven’t found a way to run 26.2 miles without spending money on entry fees, clothing and other miscellaneous items.

(This is why I’m still doing webinars!)

I may regret some of the crappy stuff I buy, but I’m never going to regret this shoe dryer.

It’s that great.