You guys know me.

I try to tell myself that I do what I want, when I want. For the most part, that is true. But I still answer to clients, HR ladies, my audience and my cats. I hate that, which is why I need to maximize my earning potential in my early 40s and peace-the-hell-out by the time I am 50.

(That’s ten years until a beach house, sunrise and sand. That’s what it’s all about.)

I need people to write me big checks.

But I wasn’t doing myself or my bank account any favors by going into my 40s using an Instagram picture as my professional photo. Who gives money to an adult who takes a selfie in a hotel room? (Well, lots of people. But I don’t want that kind of money.)

So I decided to have a new corporate headshot taken.

I picked a local photographer who was recommended by a friend. (That’s the speed of trust, baby.) I told the photographer, “I just need 1-2 pictures of me looking like myself, only better. I want people to see me on the internet and feel compelled to write a check. I don’t want to look like I’m trying too hard, either. I need help walking that line.”

It’s tough not to be hard on yourself when someone takes your photograph.

I am a self-obsessed narcissist. I’m trying to change those behaviors, but I asked my photographer to hold off showing me the photo gallery until it was ready for a final review. Nobody needs to hear my inner, critical voice. (Especially me.)

I also told her, “No hokey portraits, please.” But we had the studio for a few hours, and my photographer suggested that we play around. I never had high school photos taken beyond my awful yearbook photos. It was sorta fun. We laughed a lot. I won’t do anything with the photos, but it was still fun to pretend that I was Beyoncé.

I’m very happy with the final two results.

Modeling for a photo is daunting.

Putting your face and body on the internet is always awkward. People will write insane things; however, a good corporate headshot will opens doors in ways that are indescribable.

So if you have a career where you’re selling yourself—even in a professional way—you have to invest in a semi-decent photograph. Find a photographer who aligns with your values and write the check. I picked Kathy Howard, and we worked with Joanne Maye for hair and make-up.

Here are some behind-the-scenes photos.

Go for it. Trust the photographer. Don’t judge yourself. Take a million photos. You only need one or two.

And one more piece of advice? Champagne helps.


  1. Love the “behind the scenes”! The 3rd one down with your hand by your head is so Carrie Bradshaw. (not to be an insult if you hate that show)

  2. Another important aspect of the “pro head shot” concept people over look is the need to project your best possible self in public forums. Especially when you are your brand.

    Image is critical. By all means: Pull all out all the stops to put forward your best possible representation.

    P.S. I was partial to the “over the shoulder” pose of your old website profile pic. Nothing like that from the latest shoot?

    • Agreed with the “image is critical” piece, although I wish it weren’t so important. Let me be sloppy!

      PS – No, nothing like that. That was a hotel room selfie.

  3. Great photos! And, speaking as someone who does headshots for other people, yeah, trust the photographer, try and relax, and have fun. 🙂

  4. I don’t know what the heck you are talking about?? These are really,really good! My fav is the yellow tank. You’re giving me weekend HR lady 🙂

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