There is no art and science of saying thank you. If you ever wonder if you should thank someone for doing a good job, the answer is yes. Say thank you. Stop what you’re doing and do it right now. Did you overlook somebody? Go back and say thank you. Pick up the phone. It’s never too late.

(Jesus. Some people, am I right? Just do it.)

There are legitimate questions about rewarding and recognizing great effort at work, though.

  1. How and when do you say thank you in meaningful ways?
  2. What’s the right type of recognition?
  3. When do you use money? When are words enough?

I don’t have the answers, but Globoforce wrote a book on the art and science of rewards and recognition. If you have a boss who sucks at saying thank you, or if you’d like to think though the right/wrong ways to do this, you can sign up for a free copy.

I like the idea of sending the book to someone who needs to learn more about how and when to say thank you. Have a CHRO who suffers from “this great idea came from me” syndrome? Have a VP of Ops who thanks senior leaders but never recognizes the hard work from the rank-and-file members of you organization? Do you work with an HR generalist who could use some tips on best practices?

Send the book.

It’s free, and your name can stay anonymous.

That’s the part I love the most.


  1. It’s a simple gesture and sometimes the hardest to execute. The majority of people don’t want medals or awards, but just a little recognition for working hard or going above & beyond on a project to over-deliver to a customer. Great post, Laurie.

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