I’m lucky enough to have a little traffic on this blog.

Just kidding, blogging is dead.

But it’s still nice to be recognized by public relations firms from around the world as someone who can move merchandise. On a daily basis, I have specialists who offer to send me weird stuff — from books to clothing to treadmill desks.

A lot of people make fun of bad PR firms who have lousy pitches. In fact, I was one of those social media snobs who mocked PR firms mercilessly for their clueless and tone-deaf marketing campaigns.

But just recently, one PR woman read me the riot act for being so snarky.

It went down like this:

“Listen, I read your blog. You may not believe me, but it’s true. You say that all work has value, even when it seems meaningless. You may not like my pitch, but I put a lot of work into it. If you don’t like it, all you have to do is delete it. You don’t have to be so rude.”

Then she added:

“This job isn’t my dream job, but it’s helping me to pay off my debt.”

Oh. Snap. I just got told.

So ever since that email exchange, I have been very nice to new PR associates who ask for help. Are the requests lame? Sure, of course, some of them are awful. But when I stop being an ass for two seconds, some of the pitches are pretty good.

Which is how I wound up with a copy of Changing the Conversation: The 17 Principles of Conflict Resolution.

At first, I was like — The world doesn’t need another book about conflict resolution.

Then I thought — I am a living, breathing example of someone who needs this book. There isn’t a day when I don’t feel hassled or enjoy hassling someone else. Something is wrong with me.

Then I thought — Hold up, Laur. Don’t be so hard on yourself. You get one step ahead of drama because that’s the kind of survival technique that saved your ass while growing up. Go easy on yourself. These patterns are tough to break

Then I thought — Jesus, ain’t nobody got time for this emotional navel-gazing bullshit! But, yeah, maybe I should read this book.

After that cringeworthy monologue, I said yes to Changing the Conversation: The 17 Principles of Conflict Resolution. I wasn’t disappointed. The book has three major themes.

  1. How to facilitate healthier listening and speaking skills.
  2. How to change the conversation when it’s in the toilet.
  3. How to look forward and plan for future conflict.

What I loved about this book is that it has examples that apply to both personal and professional relationships. Spouses. Ex-boyfriends. Bosses. Coworkers. Siblings. Homeowners Associations. You name it, this book addresses relevant conflict and offers solutions — but in a fast and easy-going way.

Also, the book has a beautiful design and reads quickly.This is not a boring HR or self-help book at all. Quite the opposite.

I’m glad that I said yes to this particular pitch. Go read Changing the Conversation: The 17 Principles of Conflict Resolution. I think you will find it helpful.

Why does everyone hate HR? Join the movement to fix that. Download the new e-book, “I Am HR.” ow.ly/xIRbQ Click to tweet.


  1. I’ll take that treadmill desk off your hands, pronto! 🙂

    Sitting all day is -not- having a good effect on my bottom line.

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