Many of the processes within corporate structures are set up for the advantage of the corporate structure. When issues are raised, there aren’t processes set up to even listen to the women of color who raised them.

Deepa Purushothaman and Rha Goddess have created a solution to this problem. Their goal is to provide a safe space for women of color to use their full voices. They not only want to help more women of color find their seat at the table in corporate America but also want to leverage their collective power to change the way the table is formed.

In our recent conversation, I asked these amazing women what their vision for recreating the corporate structure looks like. They explained that they want to create a space where women of color can come in and share what happened to them at work and then get feedback on how they can respond. They also want to provide resources such as a list of lawyers or counselors they can go to for help. Finally, they want to create an innovation strategy and a success plan to help women of color find new positions and then thrive in them.

I like people with big ideas who do brave things and Deepa and Rha are doing just that. I am thrilled to introduce you to nFormation and these women who are shaking things up.

I’m talking about these topics—and how you can be a co-conspirator on this journey to revolutionize the workforce—in my weekly newsletter. I’m also sharing a video to help you think about your week ahead. You can sign up here.