mushroom coffee

I’m getting ready for my trip to Orlando where I’ll be running with Rob Lowe (or something like that). I’ll do my best not to cause any trouble.

The primary purpose of my trip is to host a segment of the WorkHuman agenda called “Big Ideas Cocktail Reception.” There are five great speakers who will be giving TED-style talks. Here are the list of speakers and links.

  1. Play Means Productivity, Brigid Schulte
  2. Romanticize the Workplace! Tim Leberecht
  3. Lifelogging the Enterprise, Grant Beckett
  4. Go Ahead and Fail! No Guts, No Glory, Fawn Germer
  5. How Surprise Makes or Breaks Workplace Happiness, Tania Luna

Each of these talks? Well, they are important to me. I need to be more productive and have fun, so I’m interested in Bridig Schulte’s talk. I would like to fall back in love with my job as a writer, so Tim Leberecht is speaking to me. Grant Beckett is deconstructing myths around big data, which is right up my alley. It’s just a sad fact that I fail at almost everything I try on the first go-around, so Fawn Germer is speaking my language. And I am fascinated and afraid of being surprised, which is why I can’t wait to hear more from Tania Luna.

Surprise is one thing that terrifies me. I’m very rarely surprised, by the way, which is both comforting and a little sad. Life is pretty simple. I know how things are going to work out, and I’m usually right. But lately I’m trying to be open to the concept of surprise. What awesome things don’t I know? Who is going to exceed my expectations?

Maybe I’ll find out at WorkHuman. (Probably not.) But I’m putting this out to the universe—I’m ready to be surprised.

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