From an HR perspective, we often look at employee experience through the lens of the organization. However, we must begin to understand the employee experience from their perspective.

The employee experience is made up of thousands of micro-experiences that we all experience from day to day. The primary role of leaders, then, is to influence and create experiences that are meaningful and put people in the best possible place to succeed.

Gary Beckstrand spends his career researching and teaching on these very topics. He is the vice president of The OC Tanner Institute. OC Tanner is a recognition company that’s focused on aligning people with their passion and their purpose. They do a tremendous amount of research on the employee in order to accomplish that goal.

So, what does the employee experience really mean, and which aspects of it matter most when trying to create a satisfying work experience?

Gary says, “There are six key areas that are most important to employees relative to culture and their experience that really have an impact on your decision to join, engage with, or do their best work and stay in the organization… {these} six areas are {called} talent magnets because of their power to attract and connect people to your organization or one another.”

The OC Tanner Institute published these six aspects of the employee experience in their Global Culture Report. This organizational culture research looks at current culture trends, company culture statistics, and how employees feel about their workplaces. See how companies with strong cultures recruit and attract top talent, reduce employee turnover, and become places where employees thrive.

I’m talking about these topics—and more on modern vs. traditional leadership in the workplace— in my weekly newsletter. I’m also sharing a video to help you think about your week ahead. You can sign up here.

Be sure to also check out these incredible resources:

Culture Trends Tour: The Culture Trends Tour brings together HR leaders, experts, and professionals to connect and discover insights from the 2020 Global Culture Report—the largest annual study on workplace culture. Come to learn essential best-practices for shaping thriving workplace cultures that fuel organizational success.

Influence Greatness: The most insightful conference on workplace culture is going virtual and international. With world-class speakers, a first look at the 2021 Global Culture Report, a wealth of on-demand content, and no registration fee.

Talent Magnets: White Paper on the Six Essential Aspects of Workplace Culture

The Work Place Podcast: Conversations with leaders in culture and experience, featuring tangible takeaways in every episode.

Request a Product Demo: Culture Cloud Recognition: Welcome to the most complete collection of employee recognition tools for celebrating daily wins and team triumphs.