Ever since I was a little kid, I wanted to be a writer. It turns out I’m terrible at fiction and poetry. But, I naturally found this form of writing called blogging, and it suited me well. I’m pretty good at it. I decided that I’d take this style of blogging and write some nonfiction. And that turned out to be pretty naive.

I worked with agents and publishers who had an interest in all of this, but I couldn’t write a book about Human Resources. I tried to do it again, this time writing a book about failure. And well, with that, I failed pretty hard.

After these failed attempts, I was pretty down about my career. Then, one of my colleagues said to me, “You just need to shut up and write the book you were born to write.”

It turns out he was right. I had been distracting myself with all of these projects and endeavors. I just needed to quiet my mind and write the book I was born to write.

And, now, within six months, my book, “Betting on You: How to Put Yourself First (Finally) And Take Control of Your Career,” will be here!

So, how did I do it? It started with answering a fundamental question: What happens when you’re your own worst enemy? For me, and for so many people, we get in our way over and over again. I do think we can fix work, fix our lives; it simply takes not getting in our own way.

My goal was to write something that demystifies Human Resources and helps you enjoy work and life. But I wanted it to be fun, interesting, and not businessy. Hopefully, I accomplished those goals.

I’m grateful that my colleague told me to shut up and write the book that I was born to write. Because as hard as it was to hear it at that moment, he was telling me to focus. He was telling me to get rid of distractions. I recognize that what’s vital for me, may not be what matters to you. But I’m betting that this book will help you figure it out.

My weekly newsletter offers pragmatic insights on your job and will soon have book updates too. I hope you sign up and find it helpful! ⁣