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When I think of today’s guest, I think of her as a superb expert in career advice. I am happy to welcome to Let’s Fix Work, Kathryn Sollmann. Kathryn is a speaker, coach, and author. In her new book, Ambition Redefined, she encourages independence from “lean-in” and “break the glass ceiling” language. She wants you to find your own brand of ambition and success, take advantage of today’s more flexible workplace, and chart alternative career paths that accommodate and fund the life that you want and you deserve.
One of Kathryn’s missions is to show women that there is a lot of flexibility to be found in the workforce today. So if you want to find balance but don’t know where to start, and if you deal with childcare issues or aging parents and you’re sick of the way the rat race doesn’t take care of you, then sit back and listen to this episode of Let’s Fix Work.
In this episode you’ll hear:
- Kathryn’s work as a career coach to women over the last 15 years
- What the book, Ambition Redefined, is all about
- Finding flexible work that fits your life
- How the message around side hustles and aggressive entrepreneurship is hurting the workforce
- Kathryn shares an example of a client who was told to lean into the system, just couldn’t swing it, and eventually found a great mix of flexible work, but rewarding work as well
- Opting out of Corporate America and the dangers of not working
- How to broach the topic of work-life balance with a boss
- The six different kinds of work flexibility
Kathryn said it best when she said, “There are lots of smart, talented, and ambitious women who are looking for a different kind of work paradigm. One that allows them to more capably blend work and life.” If you come away with anything from this episode, I hope you come away with knowing that you can find some kind of flexible work that fits your life!
Resources from this episode:
Website: www.kathrynsollmann.com/
Twitter: twitter.com/kathrynsollmann
Facebook: www.facebook.com/9LivesForWomen/
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/kathrynsollmann/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/kathrynsollmann/
Book: Ambition Redefined: Why the Corner Office Doesn’t Work for Every Woman & What to Do Instead