Make Performance Management Sticky With Betterworks’ Andrea Couto and Harini Sridharan

My guests on this episode of Punk Rock HR are both from Betterworks: Andrea Couto, head of solutions engineering and sales readiness, and Harini Sridharan, head of product marketing. We discuss the evolution of performance management into performance enablement, why small businesses can experiment with performance enablement, the role of people analytics in performance and…

Evolving Performance Management for a Better Workforce With Betterworks’ Doug Dennerline And Jamie Aitken

Performance management is getting a much-needed upgrade to performance enablement. Instead of emphasizing past performance, performance enablement looks toward the future, gives employees the tools and resources they need to excel, and aligns employee potential with business goals. To tell us why this evolution matters, I’m thrilled to welcome back to the podcast Betterworks CEO…

How to Say No Politely

How to Say No Politely

The Punk Rock HR podcast is a fun project and has opened up many new relationships in my life. The podcast began as Let’s Fix Work, and doing these episodes has left me more convinced than ever that the modern world of work is broken. Some people disagree with me, which makes for interesting discussions.…

Making Work Human

Punk Rock HR is underwritten by Headspace for Work. There is so much technology out there to help with HR. However, if you focus on which of those technologies help bring humanity into the workplace, the list is pretty short. Derek Irvine is the Senior Vice President of a company that is working to fix…