The hardest thing about becoming a runner was getting up early to run.

Who likes to wake up before the sun?

But I live in the south. I have to wake up early before it gets too hot — even in the spring and fall.

I’m usually up before 5:30 AM on Saturday mornings. I eat something, do my business in the bathroom and drive to see my running crew. I’m up early for the rest of the week because it’s part of my ritual.

I hate it.

I prefer sleeping late and watching tropical sunsets, but waking up early has taught me some discipline. I love quiet mornings where I can organize my thoughts before my chaotic day begins in full. I like the moments where I can observe the world from a different perspective, too. And I like being left alone to write.

Here are a few pictures of my early morning sunrise photos from all over the world.

Running! Waking up at the butt-crack of dawn! Who knew it could be fun? There are worse reasons to wake up early, though. It’s worth it.

Good morning. #rwrunstreak #roma #romegiving

A photo posted by LFR (@lruettimann) on

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