Screen Shot 2014-08-02 at 3.25.23 PMHello, bonjour, I am just back from France. My husband had a business trip. I asked to tag along.

“I’ll be busy with work,” he said. “You’ll be alone for a few days. I can’t stay out late or drink too much during the week.”

I’m like, “A decent night’s sleep and free time to wander the streets of Paris while you work? That sounds horrible. Sign me up!”

We took off for eight days. He worked. I managed to read a couple of good books and eat my weight in sugar and cheese. We had the opportunity to be tourists over the weekend, too, and that was nice.

Not bad.

I am glad I had a French marathon because I knew it would be my last hurrah before my real marathon. Starting now through November 30th, I am working on manuscripts and will be on the road for clients. I am headed to Chicago, Cincinnati, Washington DC, Berkeley, San Francisco, Dallas, Las Vegas, Madison, San Diego, Miami, Sydney and Rome while simultaneously training for and running the City of Oaks Marathon.

It’s cool. The next 16 weeks will be a little crazy, but I can do it. I am not worried at all.

(I also need to make my weekly trips to Topsail happen a little more often. The weather in North Carolina has been shitty, this summer.)

Anyway, France was great. Paris is a fun city, and Lyon and Pérouges are breathtaking, but it’s good to be back in America. More importantly, it is great to be back to work.

Have a good week!


  1. Wow. Right now, between work and the rest of my life I can barely get the training I want for a 15k in September, let alone the half I want to run in the fall.
    If only you could convert travel time to training opportunities, you would have it made.
    Best of luck on the current training – and thanks for turning comments back on.

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