Everyone’s jumping on the Ozempic bandwagon these days, right? GLP-1 drugs—Wegovy, Mounjaro, Zepbound, you name it—are all the rage. People are talking about how they’re not just helping with weight loss but also curbing all sorts of cravings and compulsions.

It’s like magic, or so they say.

In my quest for insights into my forthcoming book “Corporate Drinker,” I decided to dive deep into the stories of folks who’ve crossed paths with GLP-1 drugs and alcohol. From doctors to patients, everyone had something to say about the effects of these meds on alcohol consumption.

And let me tell you, the stories I heard were something else. Some swore by these drugs, saying they practically kicked their drinking habits to the curb overnight. But, of course, it wasn’t all kittens and moonbeams. These are the early days, for sure. Some ran into issues like nasty side effects that made sticking with the meds a real challenge. And some felt no impact at all.

Then there’s Michael. His story got to me. Picture this: a corporate pro, always traveling for work, but when he’s home, he’s the life of the party. Bourbon nights with the family and neighbors were his thing. But then, he had a nasty round of bloodwork—complete with high cholesterol and lipids—and decided to shed some pounds and get healthy. Enter Ozempic. And guess what? It worked like a charm. He dropped the weight, but suddenly, he couldn’t stand the smell of bourbon anymore.

“It was like my body just said, ‘No more bourbon for you,'” Michael told me.

At first, his family was all for it, cheering him on and saying nice things about his smaller size. But as time passed, Michael started feeling like the odd one out at these gatherings. “It’s like I’m on the outside looking in,” he confided.

What’s worse is that his wife told him that “he’s no fun anymore” now that he’s not drinking.

Michael has a second home in a beach town, but those bourbon-soaked beach trips weren’t the same anymore. For a moment, he even thought about selling the house to break the connection in his mind. If he’s not drinking, why surround himself with memories of a past life?

In a Disney movie, that house is gone in a heartbeat. What does he do instead? He perseveres through the nausea and switches to tequila, thinking it’s a better fit. He could nurse a clear drink all night without anyone saying anything rude. But deep down, he knows it’s not about the drink—it’s about feeling included, being part of the crew.

When I asked Michael if he thought he had a drinking problem, his answer hit me hard. “I guess you could say there’s a gray area,” he admitted. And honestly, who could blame him for not offering up a direct answer? It’s tricky navigating this stuff, especially when there’s so much more at play than just the alcohol. And it’s not like he is seeing a therapist to discuss his new-found emotions around his size, his relationship with his family, or even the gut punch of hearing his wife tell him that she prefers him drunk.

So, what’s the takeaway here? I’m not sure, which is why I’m unclear if a more detailed version of this story will go in the book. Sure, GLP-1 drugs might work wonders for some people, but they’re not a one-size-fits-all solution. Dependency is a tricky beast, and it takes more than just a pill or injection to tame it.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned so far about alcohol, it’s that you bring your whole self to the bottle. If there are areas of your life that need work, alcohol will reveal those truths to you in complex, challenging ways. So, we’ve got to look at the bigger picture, address the underlying issues, and offer support every step of the way.

If you spot any articles in the future about the promise of GLP-1 drugs and addiction, remember that you are full of promise and deserve the goodness of life. The psychological, neurochemical, and physical benefits of these drugs (if any) are still being understood. But the real promise of living a healthy and authentic life lies within you.