Corporate Drinker: 2025

Work. It’s more than just a means to an end. It’s a cornerstone of our lives, shaping our identities, influencing our relationships, and dictating our sense of worth. But what happens when work becomes synonymous with stress, dysfunction, and, yes, even alcohol? Although some believe that the three-martini-lunch died with Don Draper, I’m here to…

Ozempic and Drinking Alcohol

Everyone’s jumping on the Ozempic bandwagon these days, right? GLP-1 drugs—Wegovy, Mounjaro, Zepbound, you name it—are all the rage. People are talking about how they’re not just helping with weight loss but also curbing all sorts of cravings and compulsions. It’s like magic, or so they say. In my quest for insights into my forthcoming…

Alcohol Can Be Okay

My career arc is strange, but I have been fortunate to eat delicious meals and drink excellent wine paid for by business leaders, workers, and even “fans” who showed me outrageous hospitality and offered memorable experiences that will remain in my heart forever. Reflecting on these experiences, I’ve realized that it’s not just about the…

The Transformative Power of Ketamine Therapy for Alcohol Use Disorder and Trauma

In recent years, ketamine therapy has emerged as a potential treatment for various mental health disorders. Among the most notable are alcohol use disorder and trauma. Here, we will explore how this therapeutic technique relieves individuals suffering from these conditions. Understanding Ketamine Therapy Ketamine is a medication originally used for anesthesia during surgeries. However, in…

Understanding the Intersection of Work, Alcohol, and Addiction: A Comprehensive Analysis

Alcohol is often associated with socializing, relaxation, and celebration. However, its misuse can lead to serious health and social problems. When this misuse enters the professional world, the implications can be devastating. It is critical to understand the intricate relationship between work, alcohol, and addiction and how to foster a healthier work environment. Work, Alcohol,…