Recently on my podcast Let’s Fix Work, we discussed the topic of podcasting with the producer of my show, Danny Ozment of Emerald City Productions. He joined me to chat about enterprise podcasting and how podcasting can help to fix work. During a podcast, a bond of trust is established as the host is viewed as an authority on the topic. So, it’s easy to see the power that a podcast can ultimately have. So why not use podcasting as a communication tool within corporations? Danny provided us with some valuable insight on how podcasting can help us at work.

Corporations can use podcasts to their advantage to reach out to their employees. There are a number of benefits to using podcasts at work. As Danny says, “in the podcast, a leader has the freedom to connect more authentically, even be vulnerable in a podcast. You know that they’re recording alone in a room versus being in front of a crowd or in a meeting. So podcasting, in short, is a more engaging way to communicate.” This method allows leaders to virtually connect one-on-one with employees and provides leaders the ability to effectively communicate a message to non-desk workers who are on the road and cannot necessarily join meetings at specific times. Because a podcast can be listened to at any place at any time, even global employees can listen on any schedule.

Podcasts also save time. Just think about all of the time that is spent gathering employees for a meeting as well as the time spent listening to various commentary from attendees of a meeting. With podcasting, the message is recorded once, and Danny notes, “then it can be transcribed, and that’s an easy way to then create all the other content or all the other documents or all the other communication that needs to happen based around that one earnings report or organizational change.”

And information presented in a podcast can be kept confidential. If you are concerned about confidentiality for your organization when it relates to podcasting, Danny explained how a podcast can be protected so that only employees or stakeholders of the business can have access to it. For example, this can be done with a password-protected webpage (or “wall”) or means of playing the podcast through a very secure platform. Danny says that hosting companies, “provide solutions for corporations to use that are secure so that things don’t get out there. And that allows corporations and businesses to share sensitive information in a podcast… things like messages from leaders, team meetings, important company announcements, organizational changes, HR announcements, employee orientation, onboarding, even corporate earnings calls, annual reports, things like that.”

So are you ready to get your messages out more effectively to those within your organization? If so, listen to this amazing episode of Let’s Fix Work with our behind-the-scenes-of-podcasting professional, Danny Ozment, as we discuss the specifics of podcasting and how it can help your business.