Work is going to change post-COVID. So many things will look different than ever before. The role of flexibility, authenticity, and personalization will rise. Well-being will be emphasized more than it has been in the past. Social issues will need to be addressed in organizations that have avoided the topic for years.

Karina Schultheis knows all about these upcoming changes in the workforce. She is a manager of human insights and HCM evangelism at Ultimate Software who has experienced first-hand how COVID-19 has impacted businesses.

Before the Coronavirus hit our country, many companies were getting by treating all of their employees the same. This is no longer possible if businesses want to thrive. The role of personalization and well-being is now a crucial one.

Karina says, “I simply don’t see how organizations will be able to continue to thrive over the next who knows how many months without paying a lot of attention to individual circumstances.”

So, why is personalization going to become crucial for organizations?

There are many working parents and other employees who will be dealing with unprecedented issues. With that comes a large aspect of personalization. There is just no way that organizations can succeed if they don’t pay attention to individual issues and work through them accordingly.

Employees are juggling all different kinds of circumstances regarding COVID-19, such as educating their kids, having health concerns or anxiety about returning to work, and being unable to work traditional hours. These are the things organizations must personally attend to.

I’m talking about these topics—and how else the workforce will change post-COVID—in my weekly newsletter. I’m also sharing a video to help you think about your week ahead. You can sign up here.