
Hey, everybody. I’ll be at WorkHuman, next week.

(It’s a conference about work-life balance. Want to go? I know a woman. She has a sweet deal. Just let me know and we’ll find a way to get you there that won’t kill your travel budget.)

I’m excited about WorkHuman, but I also know that I will need a few minutes away from the conference itself. No offense to my fellow nerds in HR, but I have to “work human” in order to attend WorkHuman. It means that, at some point, I will wander away and not talk to anybody for several hours.

This is how I manage my anxiety and keep myself out of trouble.

I’ve already identified a few escape routes for when I’m feeling overwhelmed, including a trip to the Orlando Museum of Art. They have a large contemporary art collection, which means art that’s made after 1960, and they seem to have a nice gift shop. I can buy some postcards.

In a Disneyfied city, I’ll be eager to see what OMA can offer me. Looks like a nice museum. And, if I’m being honest, there are less healthy ways that I could try to manage my anxiety while on the road.

So I hope to see you at WorkHuman! And I hope you’ll let me go for a few hours without asking a lot of questions. It’s not you, it’s me. Anxiety is a weird fear of nothing, and art is one of the most effective cures!

1 Comment

  1. Thank you for sharing about your anxiety. I was recently diagnosed with it and I’m trying to learn how to cope with it.

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