Some of the worst people in your company are the ones who aren’t coachable, can’t hear feedback, and won’t take risks.
Strong? Maybe. I don’t know. You tell me.
The ones who aren’t coachable are a waste of time unless you’re the idiot and they’re totally right about everything. I suspect that’s not the case. I’m totally uncoachable, for the record. I prefer to learn my lessons the hard way, in solitude, away from the people who only want to help. I’m stubborn and contrarian, and it’s a pain in the ass to manage me. It’s why I mostly work on my own.
The ones who can’t hear feedback are also equally unbearable. Listen, not all feedback is valid. Nobody knows this better than me. What I wouldn’t do to get back the time I wasted listening to people tell me how to improve my HR skills. Ugh. But part of the work equation is that you get paid to listen to other people talk shit about you to your face. So if you earn $12/hr, at least a dollar of that wage is made when you shut up and listen to your dumbass coworkers tell you stuff that is totally wrong. At least you’re getting paid, which is more than you get when your family members try to give you feedback.
And people who don’t take risks at work are the ones who drive me up a goddamn wall. Do you know how hard it is to get fired for taking a risk? Super hard. People don’t get fired for failing, they get fired for being a lazy bag of dicks. Are you wondering, “Should I apply discretionary effort and try something new?” The answer is yes. I mean, you know, use good judgment. Work within your abilities and don’t be a dumbass. But nobody is gonna fire you for being creative and eager.
Too much energy is spent managing uncoachable workers who can’t take feedback or won’t take risks. Not enough time is spent doing cool shit and breaking stuff.
So of you have people on your staff who get in the way of progress, 2017 is your year to make key personnel changes. Or if you work for uncoachable individuals who won’t listen to your ideas and play it safe, it’s time to rethink your place of employment.
This is a very good memoir of the status quo bunch that are still out there managing big organizations. I love the angle. Way to go!
“Do you know how hard it is to get fired for taking a risk? Super hard. People don’t get fired for failing, they get fired for being a lazy bag of dicks. Are you wondering, “Should I apply discretionary effort and try something new?” The answer is yes.”
The answer is SO MUCH yes. 🙂
A great post that gave me a “Carly Simon” moment – I must stop being so goddamned vain! Could not agree more about the sneering “safe pair of hands” mentality that smears a risk-taking ideas-type as a loose cannon. It’s a soul-destroying business killer. And your parting shot was the best advice of all…
This is a very good memoir of the status quo bunch that is still out there managing big organizations. I love the angle. Way to go!