mister scrubby

Today marks one year since my beloved cat, Scrubs, passed away. He was Scrubby, Mister Scrubby, Big Beef & Cheese, Mister Doop-Dee-Doos, and the Mayor of Chunk City, USA.

(My seven-month-old nephew is the new mayor, by the way.)

I wouldn’t say it’s been the worst year of my life, but I’m in no hurry to feel this way anytime soon.

I’ve been pretty good about holding it together. I’m not insane. I know he was a cat. In fact, I was calm during the euthanasia. We donated his body for a necropsy, and I insisted on picking up his ashes from the crematorium. I didn’t even cry when they handed me his urn wrapped in a purple velour bag that looked like it should hold a bottle of Crown Royal.

I only absolutely lost it when the vet sent me a coaster of Scrubby’s paws. It came in the mail about a week after he died. Apparently, it’s part of the package deal when you euthanize your cat. You get ashes, a poem about the rainbow bridge, a Crown Royal bag, and a coaster. It’s the worst swag ever.

In retrospect, I’m super grateful for the gift of Scrubby’s coaster because I kiss his paws prints daily. My friend BZ Tat also sent me a portrait of Scrubby, which hangs in the basement where we feed the cats. I get to see him daily, and his picture offers some comfort.

So it’s fair to say that I miss Scrubby dearly, but I take comfort in his memory. He was the most scrubilicious cat ever, and he meant the world to me.

But I’m glad this first year of grieving is over.


  1. Well said: It IS exactly the “worst swag ever.” My tabby baby Mandy died in February. I am trying to decide what to do with her ashes. I had to get a new cat way too soon because her wicked sister would go mad with power if she were the only child for long. Congratulations on getting through your year and best wishes for the future. I hope I do the same.

  2. I’m so sorry, Laurie. Unfortunately I know what you’re going through. We lost our boy Jin back in February suddenly due to saddle thrombus. My only comfort is knowing that he’s no longer in pain.

  3. Awe Laurie,
    Now I’m sad. That you’re sad. That Scrubby died. That you got a velvet bag instead of your dear kitty back. But I’m glad you had so much time with him. That you gave him and awesome loving home. And that he taught you immeasurable lessons about love & loss. C. Angus would be proud.

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