Punk Rock HR is underwritten by Headspace for Work.

There is so much technology out there to help with HR. However, if you focus on which of those technologies help bring humanity into the workplace, the list is pretty short.

Derek Irvine is the Senior Vice President of a company that is working to fix this issue. This company is Workhuman. Their technology scales what many people want but quickly forget about. It reminds you to do those things that you want to do and provides an opportunity for amplification with a social feed where you can actually do those things.

Derek is also the author of the new book, Making Work Human. Derek and his co-author believe that by building a sense of belonging, purpose, meaning, happiness, and energy for every employee, you’ll create a profound connection between your organization and its goals. They wrote Making Work Human to provide you with everything you need to get there.

When I talked with Derek, I asked him what themes stood out in the book. He said, “you’ll particularly discover… three really powerful words that we focus upon with our clients. And those really powerful words… are thanking each other a lot, talking to each other very authentically and frequently, and celebrating together… In our 20 years of experience doing this, we’ve discovered that if you focus on those three {words}, you do really successfully at bringing more humanity into your workplace.”

I’m talking about these topics—and more on how you can make work human in your own organization— in my weekly newsletter. I’m also sharing a video to help you think about your week ahead. You can sign up here.