can an employer fire you for asking for a raise

Can an Employer Fire You for Asking for a Raise?

That seems like a simple question, right? Can an employer fire you for asking for a raise? If you are an at-will employee, then the answer is yes. Does it suck? Absolutely. However, there is no law against firing someone for asking for a raise, even if it is a bad business practice. Like most…

Megatrends in HR with Karina Monesson

My guest today is Karina Monesson. She’s a writer, speaker and the senior manager of human insights, research and advisory, at UKG, the Ultimate Kronos Group. Karina joins us to talk about her research into megatrends, specifically gray-collar workers. In this episode, we talk about who these workers are, how they contribute to the economy…

Build Inclusive Cultures

Punk Rock HR is underwritten by Headspace for Work. As I’ve said before and will say again, there are a lot of problems with corporate America today. The hiring process is extremely broken and the way companies view their employees is hurtful. A lot of work needs to be done in order to build inclusive…

Mentorship Friday: Don’t Quit Just Yet

No matter what job you have, there will be some tasks or elements that you don’t like. But what about when it feels like every day you’re unhappy? If the economy was great and the war for talent was still raging, I would say sure, start looking for a new job. But it’s 2020, and…

How Dan Giusti Fixed Work for Himself

What do school lunches and fixing work have in common? Dan Giusti, that’s what. Dan Giusti, Founder and CEO of Brigaid, is the former Head Chef of Noma (the best restaurant in the world) and now works in school kitchens. Since 2016, his company Brigaid has collaborated with K through 12 school districts to support…