Marathon Monday: House of Cards

Delighted to announce that my Sunday morning runs with my husband are back. When I say run, I mean run-walk. And when I say back, I mean that we’ve done them about a dozen times in our lifetime. We always say, “Yeah, man. That was fabulous. We should do it again next Sunday.” Our track…

mister scrubby

Mister Scrubby

There is no easy way to write this. We euthanized Scrubby on Monday evening. There is no good time to intervene and say goodbye, but the actual euthanasia was peaceful. I held him in my arms. My husband rubbed his ears. Once he was gone, we cried and spent some time with his body. It…

The Best Part About My Job

My friend Lars Schmidt asked me to join a group of other smart people and tell him about the best part about my job. Do you know Lars? Go check him out. Anyway, there are a few things that I like about my job. [soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /] Being HR Famous I won’t lie.…

Marathon Monday: Eric Plus Ashley

This weekend was my first weekend without any running obligations. It felt good to do a quick four-miler and get ready for my friend Ashley’s wedding. I met Ashley through the running crew at Fleet Feet, and we clicked even though she’s a little younger. It was great to watch her marry her best friend.…

mushroom coffee

Being Social on Social Media

Years ago, I just put my head down and wrote like a motherfucker. Then I blogged. Then I started cross-posting my blogging content on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Then I used a WordPress plug-in to automate that laborious task. Then I used Twitterfeed to cross-promote other people’s work. I now use ManageFlitter to organize my…

Meeting Nostalgia

Do you remember your first meeting? I do. I was at Monsanto. We were talking about staffing. I didn’t know what to do. I just sat there with a pen in my hand looking ridiculous. Remember the days when meetings were over fast? Or when you could make up a lie, walk out of a…