laurie ruettimann wrigley field


I was born in 1975. My brother was born in 1978. Our parents were youngish baby boomers, and my dad was very nostalgic and sentimental. He loved to take pictures of everything. Unfortunately, there was no good way to preserve photos from that period. My father doubled-down on 35mm slides. He “scanned” our childhood images to…

mushroom coffee

Ask for What You Need #workhuman

I have a dear friend named Teresa. She’s an accountant who operates as my defacto life coach, especially during tax season. I don’t think she knows it, by the way. She saves my life on a regular basis. I get the answers I need by watching her make her way through the world. Good times.…

HR Doesn’t Care About Your Work/Life Balance

HR doesn’t care about your work/life balance. Well, that’s harsh. They care, but they have problems of their own. Human resources departments have undergone a transformation. They are agile, data-driven, and aligned with the executive agenda. Employee advocacy, when it happens, happens because it benefits the company’s bottom line. Your work/life balance bottom line is your own…